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Òü\[¹¤à "à[i¢¡A¡º "[Î ³šè}*Òü>à ëÒï[J¤à "àKÊ¡¡ 11, 2022 ƒà ëó¡à¹³ ëó¡à¹ ëšøàìi¡G> *ó¡ ëÒ[¹ìi¡\ *ó¡ 23 ">Î} [Òì¹àÎ ("–ƒà³à> ëW¡Ÿi¡¹), 1891 >à K®¡o¢¹ ºà Kì>Å>\ãƒà íºR¡àA—¡à "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹ƒà ëºàÒü t¡à[J¤à "ì=ï¤à 23 ¤å ÒüA¡àÒüJå´•¤à l¡ü;šà *Òü>à >줴¬¹ 23 ¤å ‘ÒüGàÒüº ël¡’ ÒàÚ>à šàR¡ì=àA¡[šÚå ÒàÚ>à =³\[J¤[> ³ƒåKà ³¹ã íº>>à ëÒï[\A¡ ëÒï[\A¡ ³[ošå¹Kã K®¡o¢¹ *Òü[¤[¹¤à "ì\ A塳๠®¡Àà>à ³Jàƒà =³\[¹¤à ¯àó¡³[Î íºšàB¡ã Òü–i¡ì¹Ê¡A¡ã Ç¡A¡ìÅàÚ ëÅàÚƒ>à ³ã;ìÚ} W¡}[¤¹B¡[> ÒàÚ¤Kã =à\¤ƒå Òü\[¹¤à 'ÒàB¡ã Òü󡳃à íºî\¡ú
Òü} 1891 Kã "Uìºà ³[ošå¹ ºà> ëºàÒü¹¤à ³tå¡}ƒà ët¡àR¡à> ët¡àR¡à>¤à ¤õ[i¡Å [i¡ö¤åì>º>à šã¤à ¹àÚKã ³tå¡}ÒüÄà ³Òà¹à\à ƒ¯à\àKà ëºàÚ>>à šèÄà "R¡³-"ì=ï "ì=ï¤à 23 ¤å "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹ #=;A¡ã ëšài¢¡ ëšÃÚ¹Kã ³àl¡ü–i¡ ëÒ[¹Úi¡t¡à ëºàÒü =à[J¤[>¡ú "[ÎP¡´¬à šå¯à¹ãKà ÅàìKàĹ¤à ¯à¹ã "[Τå ÒüA¡àÒüJå´•¤à l¡üvå¡>à *ìC¡à¤¹ 16, 2021 ƒà "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹ #=;šã ëšài¢¡¡ ë¤ÃÚ¹ƒà šàR¡ì=àA¡šà ®¡à¹t¡>à >ã}t¡´¬à ó¡}[J¤à W¡Òã 75 Ç¡¤Kã ë=ï¹³Kà ³¹ã íº>>à ‘"\à[ƒ A¡à "³[¹t¡¡ ³ìÒà;ή¡’ A¡ã ³>å}W¡Äà ³ãÚà³Kã ëJàR¡W¡; "³ƒà Źç¡A¡ Úใå>à šàR¡ì=àA¡šà ë=ï¹³ƒåƒà ³àl¡ü–i¡ ëÒ[¹ìi¡\šå ³àl¡ü–i¡ ³[ošå¹ ëA¡ï¹K[> ÒàÚ>à ºàl¡üì=àA¡šã[J¡ú ë=ï¹³ƒåƒà Úå[>Ú> ëÒà³ [³[>Ê¡¹, "[³t¡ ÅàÒ>à ÒàÚ[¤[J¤à ¯àó¡³[Å}Kã ³t¡à}ƒà [š"àÒü[¤>à =àìƒà¹A¡[J¤à [¹ìšài¢¡ "³ƒà ³JàKã "Îå´•à ëó¡àR¡ìƒà¹A¡[J¤[>,‘‘That He said that Manipur had a significant contribution in resisting the British in the entire Northeast during the 1857 Revolution and also in 1891. Manipur never gave up and the people there continued to fight. Manipur was the only state that had implemented its own constitution. The Union Home Minister said that though Manipur was under British occupation for a long time, the Freedom Fighters of Manipur always fought the British tooth and nail in battle. Manipuri war hero YuvrajTikendrajit and General Thangal were publicly hanged in Fida, Imphal. The British thought that by hanging them, they had crushed the Freedom Movement, but it did not happen. After that Maharaja Kulchandra Dhwaja Singh and 22 freedom fighters were sent to Kala Pani and they were kept here on Mount Harriet, an island. The Union Home Minister said that today in his memory, we would like to honor his contribution by naming Mount Harriet as Mount Manipur.
Shri Shah said that the Manipur government also wants to build a memorial here, this memorial will inspire tourists, the youth and the younger generation across the country on how to fight with limited resources. They still fought a battle in which defeat was certain and it was also certain that either the death penalty or the punishment of Kala Pani would be handed out.Those who died and those who survived came here and were imprisoned. Shri Amit Shah said that it is this spirit of freedom that has given us a free India and we can never forget them.’’
³t¡à}[Îƒà ³[ošå¹ƒà K®¡o¢¹>à ³¹ã íº>¤à ¤å¸ì¹àìyû¡i¡[Å}ƒà ëW¡ Òüƒå>à JR¡ÒÀ¤à ó¡à*¤à ³ƒåKã º}ºà-º}[\> "³v¡à JR¡ƒ>à =´¬à ÒàÚ¤[΃[> '>à "à[i¢¡A¡º "[ÎKã i¡àÒüi¡º =³\[¹¤[Ρú "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹Kã ëšài¢¡ì¤ÃÚ¹Kã ‘³àl¡ü–i¡ ³[ošå¹’ ¤å ‘³[ošå¹ š¤¢ài¡ ë>ìÑ•º šàA¢¡’ ÒàÚ>à JR¡>[J¤[ÎKã ³¹ç¡*Òü¤[ƒ Òü} 1891 ƒà ¤õ[i¡ÅA¡à ³[ošå¹Kà ëÅàA—¡[J¤à ºà> ³tå¡}ƒà ë\à> [³i¡ìW¡º, ëºóô¡i¡ì>–i¡ ëA¡àìºàì>º>à *Òü¤à [i¡ö¤åì>º "³>à [>}ì=ï ³W¡à[Å}Kã "JÄ¤à ¹àÚ šãJø¤à ³tå¡} ë³\¹ ë³G쯺, W¡ãó¡ ëšà[º[i¡ìA¡º *[ó¡Îà¹>à 뺳ìÒï[¹¤[Å}Kã ¹àÚ ³=}-³=} ºàl¡üì=àA¡[J¡ú \å> 18, 1891, \å> 11, 1891 "³[ƒ \å> 22, 1891 ƒà šã[J¤à ¹àÚKã ³tå¡} t¡à¹A¡šƒà K®¡o¢ì³–i¡ *ó¡ Òü[–ƒÚà>à Aè¡š—à JĹ¤à ³tå¡}ƒà ™å¤¹\ [i¡ìA¡–ƒø[\;, =àUຠë\>칺 "[Τå "àKÊ¡ 13, 1891 ƒà ó¡à{Å ët¡ïƒå>à Òà;[J, šåJø´¬³ A¡à\à* \³à–ƒà¹, [>¹g> Îå줃๠"³[ƒ [W¡¹àÒü =àU຤å>à ³=}[Å;>à ë³ 25, 1891, \å> 8, 1891, *ìC¡à¤¹ 13, 1891 ƒà ó¡à{Å ët¡ïƒå>à Òà;[J, 뺳ìÒï[¹¤à "ì=ï¤à 23 "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹ƒà ëºàÒü =à¤Kã ¹àÚ šã[J¡ú ëºàÒü =à[J¤à "ì=ï¤à 23 "ƒå[ƒ-ÿ- 1) ³Òà¹à\ A塺W¡à–ƒø ‹¤\ [Î}Ò, 2) "ìR¡ïÎ>à [Î}Ò, ëÎ>àš[t¡, 3) ëºàìA¡–ƒø ¤ã¹[\; [Î}Ò, ¯à}îJ¹àA¡šà, 4) ³àÒüÑ•à³ Åà³å [Î}Ò, ºå¯à} [>}ì=ï, 5) ëW¡à}=à³ [>º³[> [Î}Ò, "Úà}šå칺 ë³ìgà¹, 6) ëW¡à}=à [³Úà/ Òüì¤àìt¡à>, ë³ìgà¹, 7) íÒyûæ¡\³ W¡àl¡ü¤ìt¡à> [Î}Ò, Îå[¤ƒà¹, 8) ³R¡Åàt¡à¤³ ët¡àgà* [Î}Ò, \³à–ƒà¹, 9) ÒüR塃³ Q> [Î}Ò, \³à–ƒà¹, 10) [W¡}Ç¡¤³ [>}ì=ï¤à [Î}Ò, \³à–ƒà¹, 11) ó¡ìg盧 ë=ï¤à [Î}Ò, \³à–ƒà¹, 12) "Åà}¤³ óå¡Øl¡àìÒà}¤à [Î}Ò, Aå¡;, 13) ë>à}ì=à>¤³ yãìºàA¡ [Î}Ò, Îv¡¯àº (ÅR¡[º}¤à ³ìA¡àA¡), 14) ÅìKàºìų ‹> [Î}Ò, ÅR¡[º}¤à, 15) ëÚà}ìJà³ "¤å}\à*, ºàÀèš[W¡}¤à, 16) ëJ೉ೠP¡o [Î}Ò, ºàÀèš [W¡}¤à, 17) l¡üų t¡¹ç¡ [Î}Ò, 18) [҃ೠW¡àl¡ü¤ã [Î}Ò, ³W¡àÒº, 19) ³ìÚ}¤³ ë‹àì\à [Î}Ò, ³W¡àÒº, 20) ë>šø³ ë>à[> [Î}Ò, 21) ºàÒüÅø³ J´¬à [Î}Ò, ³W¡àÒº, 22) ëKïA¡à³ã (>àKà), 23) ëKïìÒà (>àKà) [>¡ú
A¡[¹KンA¡ >줴¬¹ 23 ¤å Úà´•à ³¹ç¡*Òü¤à >å[³; "³à *Òü>à ëºïKìƒï[¹¤ì>à "ƒåKà ÒàÚ[¹¤à ³[ošå¹Kã "ì=ï¤à 23 ¤å ¤õ[i¡Å>à A¡¹´•à ëºï¤ìK ÒàÚ¤[ÎÎå í>>\>ã}Òü¡ú "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹ƒà ëºàÒü =à[J¤à "ì=ï¤à 23 Kã ³t¡à}ƒà ëó¡àì¹> [ƒšài¢¡ì³–i¡, ëÎìyû¡i¡-Òü, ëšøàÎ ë³ 1895, >´¬¹ 261-270 Kã º³àÚ 3 ƒÎå Úà*[¹@
In the letter in which these instructions were issued the following remarks were made as indicating the status of these prisoners-‘‘I am desired to say that, although these prisoners have been sentenced in a quasi-judicial manner and will be liable, in case of misconduct which cannot otherwise be dealt with, to any discipline or punishment ordinatity employed for convicts, the Government of India wish that the should be treatd in the first instance as quasi-political prisoners.
ÒàÚ[¹¤à ¯àîÒ ³ìt¡A¡ "[΃à Úà*[¹¤à ëšà[º[i¡ìA¡º i¡³¢ ">ã Quasi-Judicial "³Îå} quasi-political prisoners ÒàÚ¤à ¯àîÒ[Î Úà´•à ³¹ç¡*Òü¤à ׸ì³> ¹àÒüi¡A¡à ³¹ã íº>¤à ¯àîÒ[Å}[> "³[ƒ ¤õ[i¡Å[Å}>à 'ìJàÚKã "ì=ï¤à 23 ¤å Úà´•à ºàÚ>à ëºïìƒ ÒàÚ¤[Î t¡àA¡Òü¡ú
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I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of representation no. nil dated 11-8-2022 submitted to the Hon'ble Governor of Manipur by Ashangbam Jagjit Singh, Secretary Forum for protection of Heritage of 23 Unsung Heroes (Andaman Chapter), 1891, Uripok Cheirap Maning, Imphal on the above subject for taking necessary action as considered appropriate.
Òã¹³[ÎKà ³¹ã íº>>à "–ƒ¹ ëÎìyû¡i¡[¹ (ëÒà³), &º íÅìJàšà* ëJà}ÅàÒü>à ëó¡à¹³Kã ³ã×;[Å} ëA¡ï[¤¹v¡ûå¡>à ëó¡à¹³Kã "šà´¬à Ò}[¤[J "³[ƒ "àKÊ¡ 25, 2022 ƒà ëó¡à¹³>à Aè¡š—à JÄ-í>>¹¤à ³tå¡}ƒà ³Òà¹à\à A塺W¡–ƒø Úà*>à ³¹ç¡*Òü¤à ó¡´•àÒü¤à šèÄà 15 >à "–ƒ³à> [>ìA¡à¤¹Kã ëšài¢¡ ë¤ÃÚ¹ƒà =å}[J¤à >å[³; >줴¬¹ 23 ¤å ‘&GàÒüº ël¡’ ÒàÚ>à =³[J, ¯àì¹àº[ƒ-- ‘‘with reference to the above subject and subsequent discussion held on 25-8-2022, with you, it is to inform you that we have proposed the following as the name of the atoresaid celebration ‘Exile Day (23rd November)’. We hope you may extend your fullest cooperation in our endeavor. Thanking you’’ ÒàÚ>à =³[J¡ú "–ƒ¹ ëÎìyû¡i¡[¹ (ëÒà³), [¹[Οi¡ >´¬¹>à 74, 29-8-2022 [>¡ú
>àA¡º "³ì¹à³ƒà K®¡o¢¹>à Òü¹A¡[J¤à [W¡[k¡ "ƒåKà ³¹ã íº>>à
"–ƒ¹ ëÎìyû¡i¡[¹ (ëÒà³) &º íÅìJàšà* ëJà}ÅàÒü>à ƒàÒüì¹C¡¹ "ài¢¡ &–ƒ A¡ºW¡¹ "³[ƒ ƒàÒüì¹C¡¹, ëÊ¡i¡ "àA¢¡àÒü®¡Ît¡à *ìC¡à¤¹ 6, 2022 ƒà ¯àì¹àº "³Îå =´¬ã[J-- ‘‘I am diretor enclose herwith copy of GSM/GSN-8/2008 (pt-XII) DDated23-8-2022 received from Secretary to the Governor of Manipur, Rajbhavan, Imphal on the above subject and to request you to kindly exanine and confirm the authenticity of those heroes as are available in the record maintained in the Department and submit a detailed report along with views and comments on the proposed date & day remembrance of those people’’ ÒàÚ>à Òü[¤[J¤Kã ³tå¡}ÒüÄà ³[ošå¹ ëÊ¡i¡ "àA¢¡àÒü®¡ÎA¡ã ³àÚîA¡ƒKã Òã¹³[ÎKà ³¹ã íº>>à [ƒšå¸[i¡ ƒàÒüì¹C¡¹, ¯àÒü ÚàÒü³à 냤ã>à *ìC¡à¤¹ 11, 2022 ƒà "ài¢¡ &–ƒ A¡ºW¡¹Kã ƒàÒüì¹C¡¹ƒà "Òü¤à ëW¡ì¹àº "³Îå ºà>J;[J, ³ì¹àº[ƒ
‘‘Regarding the letter the Secretariat Home Department, Government of Manipur vide their letter No. H-17/119/2022-HD-HD dated 6-10-2022 addressed to the Director, Manipur state Archives, on the subject mentioned above; I have the nohour to state that the Manipur state Archives has adequately studied and examined the enclosed copy with issued a direction to this office for further clarification of the relevant records regarding the celebration of honour of 23 unsung heroes of Andaman-Chapter 1891 on 23rd November as State Function. It has also been confirmed with available documents from the Manipur State Archives and kept on the point that the said 23 nos. of Manipur prisoners were transported at different times to ANDAMAN, (copies are enclosed of relevant documents) with a detailed list in respect of 23 Manipur prisoners of Adaman-Chapter, 1891 with a brief report with views of comments on separate sheets for your kind ready reference. Therefore, I request you to kindly take further necessary action under your consideration.’’
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