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ë>Îì>º ë¹[\ʡ๠*ó¡ [Î[i¡\>Î (&>"à¹[Î) ³šè} ó¡à>à W¡;>ÒĤKã ÒüìÒï "[Î 1980 ƒKã ³îÒì¹àÒü[Å}Kã ºèš &³Îå  "³[ƒ &&³&Î[Î*[Î>à ºå[W¡}ƒå>à "ìW¡ï¤à ÒüìÒï  ëÒï[J¡ú ³Jàt¡à>à 1994 ƒà &³ÎåKã [º[W¡} ³Jàƒà ‘ ëKà ë¤A¡ ëó¡àì¹Ä¹, ëKà ë¤A¡  ëó¡àì¹Ä¹’ ÒàÚ¤à ëJàÀà*Kà ëºàÚ>>à "A¡>¤à #ìÒï ëÒï[J¡ú 1980 ƒKã 1994  t¡àS¡A¡ ">ãKã ÒüìÒïƒà íºR¡àB¡à ëšàÒü–i¡ 16 "³[ƒ ëšàÒü–i¡ 6 Úà*¤à ë³ì³àì¹–ƒ³ *ó¡ &[Køì³–i¡ Òü>[J¡ú "ƒå¤å ëÒï[\A¡ ó¡à*¤[ƒ W¡šW¡à¤à &>"à¹[ÎKã W¡šW¡à¤à =¤v¡û¡ã ³àR¡ìºà³ƒà W¡}[Å>¤à R¡³[‰¡ú 12Ç¡¤à ³[ošå¹ ëº[\Îìº[i¡¤ &ìγ[¤ÃKã ³àW¢¡ 1, 2024 ƒà ó¡³[J¤à ³ãó¡³Kã [¹ì\àºåÎ>Kã ³tå¡}ÒüÄà,
‘‘This house resolves to reaffirm its previous resolution on 5th August, 2022 and also to urge the Government of India to Implement National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Manipur in the interest of the state in particular and of the Nation in genral’’ ÒàÚ>à ëºï[J¡ú
"à[i¢¡A¡º "[Î ³Jàt¡à>à í>>\[‰îR¡ƒà ë>Îì>º ë¹[\Ê¡¹ *ó¡ [Î[i¡\>ÎA¡ã ³t¡à}ƒà Úà>[J¤à Úà´•à ³¹*Òü¤à &[Køì³–i¡ ">ãJA¡ =³\>ã}Òü, ³ƒå[ƒ \åºàÒü 22, 1980 "³[ƒ "àKÊ¡ 5, 1980 ƒà Òü>[J¤à ‘‘Proceeding of the understanding made between      shri RK. Do rendro Singh, Hon'ble Chief Miniter, Shri M. Kumas Singh, Hon'ble State Ministry (Phy. Edn and Sports) Manipur, re presenting the Manipur Government and Students representative of All Manipur Students Union (AMSU) and All Manipur Students Coordinating Committee at the Chief Minister's Office’’ A¡ã ë³ì³àì¹–ƒ³ *ó¡ &[Køì³–i¡ "[΃à Úà*[¹¤à ëšàÒü>i¡ 16 A¡ã ³>å}ƒà Úà*[¹¤à ³¹ç¡*Òü¤à ëšàÒü–i¡ J¹[ƒ-1.(a) The Government precess of Identification and Deletion of Foreigners  from 1st August, 1980 with the coOperation of AMSCOC he question of Foreigner should be defined by the sonstitution of India and the law.
(b) The electoral roles starting from 1948 should be taken into account by comparing with the succeeding electoral rolls of the successive years, as one of the measures. However the  identification of foreigners should be based from the date of the enforcement of the constitution viz 1950,26th January.
(2) The foreigners must be identified on the baiss of the census reports (1951 ) and the National Register of ceticzens (1951) and village directory (1951).
(3) Expelling of unlawfull settlers from the K.K. reserve areas, protected areas, Khaslands and o ther reserved areas should start from 7th August, 1980 and to take up atorestoration programme at the areas so evicted which are normally devided.
"ìt¡àÙà Úà´•à ³¹ç¡*Òü¤à 9, 1994 Kã šè} 4 ƒà ¹à\ ®¡à¤>Kã ¤[S¡i¡ ëÒ຃à ëºó¡i¡ ë\>칺 [³ì®¡ ³àÚ¹ [š[®¡&Î&³, &Î&³Kã ³×; [ÅÀKà K®¡o¢¹Kã &ƒ®¡àÒü\¹ 'W¡[®¡ ëKàѬà[³, W¡ãó¡ ëÎìyû¡i¡[¹ ëA¡ìA¡ ëÎ[= "³[ƒ *º ³[ošå¹  Ê¡å샖i¡Î Úå[>Ú>(&³Îå)Kã šø[Î샖i¡ >à*ì¹³ ë³à[ÒºàºKà Òü>[J¤à
ë³ì³àì¹–ƒ³ *ó¡ &[Køì³–i¡ "ƒåKã ³¹ç¡*Òü¤à  ¯àì¹àº[Å}Îå Ç¡KàÒü>à =³\>ã}Òü, ³ƒå[ƒ-ÿ-
(Memorandum of Agreement) Following a  series of the discussions following a series of discussions held between representatives of the All Manipur Students Union and representatives of Government of Manipuf from 8th Day of August 1994 with a view towards finding a solution to the problem of illegal immigrants who haves settled in the state of Manipur, both sides have come to an Agreement, the terms of which are given below, this problem of illegal immigrants whould herein after e terms as the Foreigners problem. I) It was agreed that the Agreement signed bwtween AMSU and All Manipur Students Co-ordinating committee and Government of Manipur on 22nd July 1980 and entitled" The agreement between AMSU and AMSCOC and Government of Manipur on the Identification and deportation of foreigners" Shall be followed in latter and spirit keeping in view of the provisions of the foreigners Act 1946 and other relevant laws. II) (a) Identification and detection of foreign nationals under the provisions of the constitution of India, the Foreigners Act 1946 and other relevant laws. (b) Modalities of deletion of the names of the Foreign Nationals from electoral rolls, this identification and subsequent de portation under law.
III) The State Government agreed to take up the work of identification and deletion of Foreign Narionals immediately based on the Electoral Rolls of 1948 using 26th January 1950 as the "Cut of date, the 1951 census report, the 1951 census of citizens and 1951 village directory. All available document shall be ulilised to begin the process of deletion of names from the electoral rolls and subsequent deportation in accordance with laws of the land.
IV) To facilitate ident ification/delection of foreign nationals and also deletion of their names from the Electoral Rolls and subsequent deportation under the provisions of various Act and Rules, as committee shall be sonstituted by the sate government under the supervision of the Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur.
The function of the committee shall be as follows.
V) (i) to collect/compile documants relating to the foreiners issue for ready as well as further reference. ii) To Co-ordinate the activities of various foru ms, organisations and also individuals for facilating varifications of complaints made against foreigners by defferent agencies of the Government  under appropriate provisions of law.  iii) To collect a list of the persons/tamilies which has been delected from the voters list and also aer not included in the same from the Deputy commissioners and refer the same to the concerned superintendents of police for initiating proceeding for their deportation in accordance with law.
IV) To compile a list of the all foreigners residing as illigal immigrants in Manipur and refer the same to the Electoral Registration officers with whom the power of deletion of names vests under RP Act of 1950 for tabing appropriate action under law.
V) To Co-ordinate and liaise the functioning of various agencies/departments on Foreingners issue.
VI) To create an awareness amongst the government officials as well as the general public on the differents provisions, Acts and Rules presently in Govue and which has a bearing on Foreigners issue.
VII) to Co-opt a member from NGO/Voluntary organisations or Local Club of the locality where detection of foreigners is being carried out to assist the committee as and when necessary.
VIII) The committee shall mabe all endeavours to complete the task assigned before the announcement of the Election Notifications for Manipur and will ensure that the names of Foreigner it and when detcted will be deleted from the Revised Rolls.
IX) The state Government on its past under tabes to implenent all the issue raised by AMSU and agreed upon by both sides besides the main foreigners issue as contained inthe 1980 Agreement as of Annexure-I.
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