The story of the village of hope
Aubaid Ahmad Akhoon
Long ago, in a land surrounded by mountains and rivers, there was a small village called Amal (Hope). The people of Amal lived simple lives, thriving on their unity and hard work. But one year, disaster struck—a severe drought left their crops withered, their wells dry, and their hopes shattered. Hunger and despair began to take over, and arguments replaced their once harmonious discussions.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, the village elders decided to seek guidance. They heard of a wise traveler who had dedicated his life to studying the lives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Khilafat-e-Rashidah—the era of the rightly guided caliphs. When the traveler arrived, the elders pleaded with him:
“Our village is falling apart. We are losing faith in our unity and our leaders. Teach us how to build a just and prosperous society, even in difficult times.”
The traveler smiled warmly and said, “Let me share with you the stories of those who ruled with justice, compassion, and humility, guided by the teachings of Islam. Their examples will not only guide you but also help you transform your community.”
Justice – The Foundation of Society
The traveler began, Justice is the bedrock of a prosperous society. Without it, trust crumbles, and chaos reigns. During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA), he once overheard a child crying in the middle of the night. Disguised as a common man, he approached the house and discovered a mother boiling stones to calm her hungry children.
Instead of sending someone else, Umar himself carried a sack of flour on his back and delivered it to the woman. When his companion offered to help, Umar replied, ‘Will you carry my burden on the Day of Judgment?’
This is the essence of justice: not just ensuring fairness in courts but taking personal responsibility for the well-being of every individual under your care. A just leader sleeps peacefully knowing no one goes to bed hungry or oppressed.”
The villagers nodded, reflecting on how fairness and personal accountability could bring peace to their village.
(To be contd)