Science of success

13 Jan 2025 23:26:35
L Biren Singh
Contd from prev issue
(b) All people, irrespective of their status or intelligence, hold attitudes.
(c) An attitude exists in every person's mind. It helps to define our identity, guide, our
action and influence how we judge people.
(d) Although the feeling and belief components of an attitude are internal to a person,
we care view a person's attitude from his or her resulting behaviors.
(e) An attitude helps us to define how we see the situations as well as define how we
behave towards the situations or objects etc.
(f) An attitude is a summary of a person's past experiences thus, an attitude is grounded
in direct experiences and predicts future behavior more accurately.
(g) It includes certain aspects of personality such as interest, appreciation and social
conduct etc.
(h) It refers to one's readiness for doing work.
(i) Attitude may be positive or negative and may be affected by age, position and
3.(i) Positive and negative attitude :
(a) The person with negative attitude thinks “I can't”.
(b) The person will positive attitude thinks “I can”.
(c) The person with negative attitude dwells on problems.
(d) The person with positive attitude concentrates on solutions.
(e) The person with negative attitude finds fault with others.
(f) The person with positive attitude looks for the good in others.
(g) The person with negative attitude focusses on what's missing.
(h) The person with positive attitude counts his or her blessings.
(i) The person with negative attitude sees limitations.
(j) The person with positive attitude sees possibilities.
(ii) Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day for good or bad and your attitude is
your iwindow to world
(iii) As Hugh Decons has said, “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances,
but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”
(iv) Without a positive attitude, you can't activate the other principles. Your success in life
begins and ends with your attitude.
4. Factors that determine our attitude :
(a) Environment :
(i) Home environment : It will give much affect on the attitude of the family members.
(ii) School environment : It starts influencing on the student’s attitudes.
(iii) Social environments : Media, television, newspapers, megazines, radio, movies, etc. which are socially acceptable or unacceptable start influencing our attitude.
(iv) Economic environment : Can you teach values on an empty stomach.
(v) Religious environment : Many times, either interpretation or miscinterpretation of religion makes people fatalistic.
(vi) Political environment : Political environment is also necessary for development, peace and happiness in the region.
(vii) Experiences : Event and experiences in life determine our attitude. Positive experiences influence the positive attitudes whereas negative experiences influence negative attitudes.
(viii) Education : Education also influences the attitude of the students. Education refers both formal and informal education.
5. (i) The benefits of a positive attitude :
(a) Make for a pleasing personality
(b) Gives fulfillment and makes life meaningful.
(c) Inspires oneself and others.
(d) Helps people, become contributing members and asset to society.
(e) Increase, productivity & profits.
(f) Reduces stress & increases happiness.
(g) In other words, a positive attitude leads to a happy, healthy and prosperous life.
(To be contd)
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