BBAM announces State Sub-Jr teams

04 Sep 2024 01:13:21
The Ball Badminton Association, Manipur (BBAM) has announced the names of players selected to represent Manipur in the 43rd Sub-Junior National Ball Badminton Championships to be held at Rohtak from September 25 to 29.
The players who have been shortlisted in the final squad are as follows.
Boys : Maibam Unic of UNACCO, Nganba Waikhom of MC, Yaiphaba Seram of TESC, Nongmeikapam Aheiba of Catholic School, Khogendro Angom of KV, Kelvin Victo Heikrujam of YSC, Lucky Longjam of WLA, Thoithoi Khunjamayum of TOL, Dhanaraj Kshetrimayum of PPLYDO and Ksh Dhrubaraj of PPLYDO.
Girls : Okram Khristina of MC, Rhea Moirangthem of TUYO, Enunganbi Haorungbam of MMSC, Maibam Nivani of UNACCO, Jestina Akoijam of TSSWA, Mutum Lanchenbi of REHS, Nongmeikapam Belinda of Catholic School, Mutum Singthoinganbi of LADSY, Thangjam Leishembi of LADSY, Vinsina Wahengbam of Catholic School.
Pukhrambam Nabachandra and Leimapokpam Johnson were also named as manager and coach for the boys' team as Akoijam Sunita and Waikhom Tombi were named as girl's manager and coach respectively.
BBAM further informed the selected players to report daily at the premises of NIELIT, Imphal for training and coaching.
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