Saving Private Babloo

28 Sep 2024 23:32:02
Free Thinker
Absolutely I have no doubt that private Babloo is a true patriot of Manipur. But we have forgotten one thing that professionally he is a human rights defender and a lawyer too; his primary job is to defend the human rights of humans belonging to any class, creed or community including the Nagas, Kuki-Zos, Meiteis, Pangans and even the aliens. He is professionally bound to do so; while doing his job he might have inadvertently snubbed a patriotic genre .  He is a firm believer in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and institutions like the UN - though he knows pretty well that  Municipal laws have more teeth.
One or two organizations are perhaps not happy about his outspoken views or activities. There may be differences in principle and ideologies. We have the right to express our views freely since we belong to a democratic country where freedom of expression is appreciated.
New variety of identity-patriotism may not be able to fathom the depth of our historic all-encompassing heritage. Just imagine the number of groups we have today – all stand for one thing – the unity and integrity of the land and its people. However, due to our own follies, we are divided and become insensitive.
If we start fighting among ourselves – outsiders will certainly take advantage. Of course, there may be some internal misunderstanding and external instigation - that should not end our primary object of living and surviving together.
Historically we constantly fought among ourselves for power, control and influence.  We have several clans and sub-clans. The struggle was basically for hegemony and authority. Ultimately seven clans emerged out of the churning. Still the struggle continued. Finally the Ningthouja clan could manage their hegemony over others most probably with the strong succor from the hillmen . That was the beginning of the State formation.
Historians acknowledge that the coronation of Pakhangba at Kangla in circa 33 AD was postponed due to the absence of a powerful hill-chief. Pakhangba was enthroned as the first King of the land only when the all clans agreed and hill-chiefs endorsed. The coronation was perhaps organized for recognizing the suzerainty of the new King over all clans-heads and hill-chiefs. Despite the coronation and State formation the struggle for power and control continued even among the royalty, clans and chieftains.
My simple and humble query to all the citizens is that we shall go back to the pre-Pakhangba era and resume our fight and struggle for hegemony? Or shall we continue together though separately with our common cause that is - unity and integrity of the land with all its people. We must also learn to absorb the people from outside as long as they want to be part of Manipur.
Today the major conflict is between – those who want to continue with the old traditional Manipur and a new variety which challenges the tradition and past glory. A novel history is being built up on the premise of ‘divide and survive’ – an analogous policy was propagated by the Britishers in the name of ‘divide and rule’. Some scholars call it neo-colonialism. Even within a free democratic country such policies continue for convenience.
Coming back to Babloo, he has three lovely daughters and a responsible wife, who is also a very sincere government employee. Though not very close to the family I know the family closely. His wife, who is my bitter-half’s junior, studied in the best college of Delhi (not this year, but in the last three consecutive years ). Now, Babloo’s family is constantly suffering from threat and intimidation. That is not proper for a highly democratic society like ours. Freedom of elimination does not belong to only one or two groups - we have many organizations both in the hills and valley. These days we have become too violent. Shall we continue the fratricidal struggle or shall we stop it and proceed towards peace. Enough is enough.
Never encouraged violence or bloodshed in my life. In fact, violence begets violence, bloodshed begets bloodshed, hatred begets hatred. We must do away all these and move towards peaceful negotiation. I don’t think he is inimical to any leadership. He is portrayed as a villain by some interest groups. I don’t think he will give a politically motivated or a communally charged testimony. He will not run down the State or manufacture facts. This is my humble feeling.
 Sometimes telepathy works. My intuitive antenna catches the distressed signal from anywhere. Then I feel like expressing my views - unilaterally. For this, I should not be gagged or intimidated.
Babloo is neither our enemy nor an enemy of the State. He may not like the way things have been happening and the politics that is being played out. Still, we must give him space, his personal life and liberty must be guaranteed as we all do for other citizens. Without criticism how can we grow? If the name of the organization is not taken and the name is not mentioned – the existence is meaningless.
Comrades, it is high time to restrain. Let us not press the self-destructive button.
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