Eyes set on deworming over 9 lakh kids


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By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Sep 27 : The State is setting a target to deworm 9,00,530 children during the second leg of National Deworming Day which began on September 24 and will continue till October 4, said State Mission Director of National Health Mission Dr Mairenbam Dinesh.
Speaking to the media at Lamphelpat today, Dr Dinesh said that every State has been observing National Deworming Day twice every year since 2015 under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
The first round of the day was held on April 30 during which 8,46,675 children were administered deworming (albendazole) tablets out of 8,79,677 target set, he added.
Saying that children in the 1 to 19 age bracket have to take the deworming medicines to help treat a range of parasitic worm infections, Dr Dinesh maintained that  officials of the Social Welfare and the Education Department assist them in carrying out the exercise.
One out of every four children is likely to get worm infection at some point as per a report of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, he said and added that every child must take albendazole tablets without fail.
State Nodal Officer of NHM Dr Silviya, on the other hand, stated that children with intestinal worm infection suffer blood loss as the parasites suck the blood of the children apart from absorbing  nutrients by staying in the intestinal wall.
Saying that worm infection may hinder the growth of the children if not treated on time, she  added that children with worm infections are inattentive in class apart from being lethargic.
Further stating that worm infection can be treated by giving deworming medicine, Dr Silviya  added that albendazole tablet is certified by the World Health Organisation.
Albendazole comes in 400 mg per tablet and children who are under 2 years have to be administered only 200 mg while those above below have to be given the whole tablet, she said  and added that albendazole is more effective when chewed.
Continuing that children who have intestinal worms may feel stomach pain after taking deworming medicine, she added that the pain is the reaction of the medicine killing the parasites.
She went on to say that children have to be hygienic to prevent worm infections.