Many come out in support of Babloo

By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Sep 27: Several  civil society organisations have demanded proof of the allegations made by the Meitei Leepun against human rights activist Babloo Loitongbam of taking money from Kukis and indulging in financial transactions with Kukis.
A joint statement issued by as many as 16 civil society organisations asserted that the Meitei Leepun will be blamed for misleading the public if it cannot bring out concrete evidence to vindicate their allegations.
The 16 civil society organisations include AMKIL,  All Manipur Women’s Social Reformation & Development Samaj (Nupi Samaj), All Manipur Tammi Chingmi Apunba Nupi Lup (Tammi Chingmi), Nongpok Leingak Apunba Nupi Lup (NLANL), Nongchup Imphal Palem Ima Apunba Nupi Lup (NIMPAL), Apunba Nupi Lup (ANUL) Bishnupur, Thoubal District United Women’s Development Organisation (Thoubal Ima), Manipuri Chanura Leishem Marup (Macha Leima), Ereipak Enaat Chanura Loinsinlon (EECHAL), EEVFAM, UPF, NIPCO, MAPI Council, CADA, All Manipur Progressive Farmers’ Association and a student organisation.
The CSOs said that Babloo Loitongbam may be punished through proper legal procedure if he is at fault.
But acts of mob justice like threatening his family and banning him from speaking on public platforms are highly condemnable, the CSOs said before appealing to the State Government to uphold the rule of law and look into these acts.
Babloo Loitongbam is one of the most prominent human rights defenders in Manipur. Since the early 1980s, a large number of Manipuri youths were killed and many women were raped by security forces under the impunity guaranteed by AFSPA.
It was at this juncture, Babloo came out and fought boldly to safeguard the rights of Manipuri people and in doing so he exposed the draconian nature of AFSPA before the whole world, the CSOs pointed out in their joint statement.
He raised the issue of rampant human rights violation by the Indian armed forces in Manipur under the cloak of AFSPA in the name of suppressing insurgency.
On July 15 this year, Babloo Loitongbam spoke at the UN Human Rights Council on human rights violation, extra judicial killings and other repressive measures unleashed by armed forces under AFSPA in Manipur.
Even today, Babloo Loitongbam has been fighting relentlessly for Manipuri people’s rights, it said.
He raised the issue of killing as many as 1528 people by security forces in fake encounters at the Supreme Court and fought for justice. The case is still going on.
As a result of his sustained, selfless efforts, the Amnesty International and other UN bodies focused their attention on Manipur. Subsequently, cases of human rights violation and extrajudicial killings declined dramatically, and thus India was shamed before the whole world as a country notorious for rampant human rights violation in Manipur, it said.
Questioning who worked for the release of drug lord Lukhosei Zou, the CSOs said that the people would not have forgotten the prominent figures of the incumbent Government who were involved in securing the release of Lukhosei Zou.
The incumbent Government which has taken complete control of both the judiciary and the executive somehow got Lukhosei Zou acquitted and the drug lord was released accordingly.
Following the State Government’s refusal to file an appeal before the Supreme Court, Babloo and his associates filed a case at the apex Court and the case is going on.
On top of that, Babloo has not stopped fighting for human rights, the CSOs said.
Asserting that Babloo has been fighting relentlessly against fake encounters and the menace of drugs, they went on to ask if those people who have been attacking Babloo  are indirect supporters of fake encounters and drug businesses.
It further asked if Babloo’s selfless efforts have become a big headache to the Government of India and some other people in power.
On Mya Kyay Mon, the CSOs said that she is a Burmese Buddhist and she belongs to the Karen community, not Kuki.
She had acquired Norwegian citizenship when she was arrested by AR from Khudengthabi on August 9, 2022 and later handed over to Moreh police station.
According to a statement of AR, Mya Kyay Mon came to India on May 24, 2019 and her visa had expired at the time of her arrest.
After she was produced before Court, she was granted bail with the help of HRA lawyers who are empanelled with the Manipur Legal Services Authority to aid asylum seekers from Burma.
As she was ordered to appear at Court for subsequent trial, she was accommodated at a women’s home. All this process was done in complete transparency without any discretion or secrecy.
Making unfounded allegations against Babloo Loitongbam in connection with Mya Kyay Mon is unacceptable.
They asserted that the State Home Department ought to come out with a clarification on the present status of Mya Kyay Mon’s case.
“We need to see the present conflict from our idea of Manipur. Meiteis cannot kill every Kuki and Kukis will not be able to kill every Meitei. We need to know which group of Kuki must be confronted and with which group of Kuki we must live together”, read the statement.
JCILPS too did not say that all Kukis are outsiders. They see those Kukis who came before 1951 as citizens of Manipur which means they are a part of united Manipur, it said.
COCOMI too said that the present conflict was started by armed Kuki narco-terrorists who infiltrated from outside Manipur, it further pointed out.
“Whatever may be the case, we are committed to see that the Meiteis must win the present conflict for the sake of a united Manipur and the future of the Meitei community”, the CSOs asserted.
Asking what wrong has Babloo done in this conflict,  the CSOs asked all concerned to bring out proof/evidence before the public instead of making imaginary  or fabricated allegations.
Asserting that they and human rights defender Babloo Loitongbam have been working on different issues of Manipur for the past 30 years, the CSOs asked all the people to look up which organisations including Meitei Leepun have done what in the past and present major issues of Manipur.
They also asked the people to determine who are traitors and who are working in the interest of the State.
They CSOs further questioned if some people have been conspiring to divert public attention from the issue and weaken Meitei by creating intra-community conflicts.