Remove 35 AR checkgate : Tusom

Mungchan Zimk
UKHRUL, Sep 23: An Assam Rifles checkgate installed at Tusom CV to "prevent" movement of people between villages across the Indo-Myanmar border has miffed locals.
Shangmayo Vashum, headman of Tusom village claimed 35 AR personnel have prevented villagers from crossing the checkgate and restricted all movement to the Somrah tract region of Myanmar.
Border Pillar No 129 runs through Tusom village. The village has the shortest route to Somrah sub-township of Myanmar, he said.
However, the checkgate installed by the 35 AR in July 2024 has prevented movement of the people, he added.
The village authority has approached district officers concerned, DIG 10 Sector Somsai, Ukhrul and several CSOs to remove the gate, he said.
Tusom village is about 105 kilometres from Ukhrul District Headquarters.
Shangmayo said, there are more than 35 Tangkhul villages inside Myanmar and all Somrah tract villages have fraternal bloodline relationship with the community on the Manipur side.
"We have close relations through inter- marriages. We are the same clan and share a common origin. It is the artificial boundary that divides us and forces us to live separately (India & Myanmar)," said Shangmayo.
Shangmayo said the current Manipur crisis has "nothing to do with us",  and there is no infiltration or illegal immigration from either side.
"The suspension of the Free Movement Regime (FMR) has simply divided my people living beyond," Shangmayo said.
The suspension of the FMR is oppression of the people of the border villages, he said.
He further claimed that the northern border villages of Ukhrul district have no law and order issues.
"We demand immediate revocation of the FMR in order to restore our fraternal relation and continue border trade with our people living on the other side of the border," Shangmayo said.
He said the villages on both sides are dependent on each other and usually trade baskets, wooden furniture and cattle etc in exchange of essential commodities.
The headman urged the Government to roll back the suspension of the FMR and remove the checkgate.