Taking care of Alzheimer’s patient at home

23 Sep 2024 23:08:14
Laishram John  Singh (Lecturer, Psy.Nsg. CON, RIMS, Imphal)
Contd from previous issue
§ Let your loved one know what to expect morning (open the curtains to let sunlight in) & Evening, put on quiet music to indicate it’s bedtime.
§ Try to include him/ her in the entire activity process in family.
§ Help get started on an activity and praise the person for each step he or she completes.
§  Orient the patient to reality - large faces clock, calendar with large writing and a separate page for each day.
V) Planning activities and visitors:
§ Start with your love ones interest, may be a morning walk/ meditation which he enjoy or use to enjoy.
§ Vary activities to stimulate different senses of sight, smell, hearing, and touch.
§ Planning time outdoors can be very therapeutic. Out for a drive, visit a park, or take a short walk.
§ Consider outside group activities like Senior citizens club, park etc.
§ Visitors can provide an opportunity for caregiver to socialize or take a break.
§ Plan visitors at a time of day when your loved one can best handle them.
Scheduling visitors time.
VI) Home safety and prevention of accidents:
Creating safe environment prevents stressful & dangerous situations.
§  Make sure knives, matches, sharp items, paints, guns are secured.
§  Protect electrical appliances, gas stoves, sockets and others that may pose a risk to the patient.
§  Adequate light inside and outside the room.
§  Label all the rooms (Common room, bed room, toilet, kitchen etc.)
§  Keep the house free from clutter/disordered things.
§  Care to avoid accidents caused by tripping over furniture.
§  Label medications and keep them locked up.
§  Take care while taking him out.
VII) Care of care givers:
§  Caregivers need outlets for dealing with their own feelings.
§  Not to neglect own physical, mental, emotional well-being.
§  Take time off or time away, do not ignore social life.
§  See your physician regularly.
§  Get screened for stress and depression.
§  Get plenty of rest whenever possible.
§  Eat well-balanced meals.
§  Exercise regularly.
§  Accept help from others.
Alzheimer disease is a journey never to come back, our love ones will leave us one day without recognising us, by just looking at us and receiving the care that we are providing. The disease might hide the person inside, but there is still a person in there who needs your love and attention.
There will come a time when your loved one will be gone and you will find comfort in the fact that you were his/ her caregiver or a dear one, so do the best possible from your heart.

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