Feminist world-building: Creative energies, collective journeys

31 Aug 2024 23:46:03
Shobha Shukla
Cintd from prev issue
Their budgetary allocations are not justifiable as they are not including the gender perspective in a way that women and girls with disabilities, transgender and LGBTQIAP+ communities, all get resources and opportunities with equity and in a rights-based manner. This is only possible when we have a seat at the table and share the space at high-level forums. There has to be meaningful engagement and equitable representation from the feminist movements."
Present world order is anti-thesis of a feminist world order
The present world order is the anti-thesis of a feminist world order. Today’s so called development model is driven by patriarchy, fundamentalism, militarism, and corporate capitalism. Such a world order has channeled wealth, power and resources from the working people to the rich, and from developing countries to wealthy countries. It has resulted in financial, environmental, food and energy crises which continue to devastate the lives of women, especially in the Global South.
Eni rues that, “A lot of promises have been made in the past for the welfare of people. But at the end of the day what we witness is catastrophic poverty, climate crisis, large scale displacement of people and human rights violations. So all this beautiful language of development becomes meaningless. What is being promoted as development today is only for the very few global elite, and is making the rest of us poorer every day. It is making countries more dependent upon foreign investments and loans. Suddenly we find ourselves trapped into the vicious cycle of debts. This is not what the people want. We cannot close our eyes anymore and pretend that the world is 'okay'. No we are not 'okay'."
 To be contd
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