Organic Poultry Farming

Dr K Rashbehari Singh
Contd from previous issue
Natural breeding techniques are preferred over artificial breeding.  Purchase the parent stocks from organizations that have received an organic certification.  
iii) Housing management: Allowing birds to express all of their natural behavior with little stress is the fundamental goal of organic housing. Adequate protection should be provided to the birds from predators. A poultry housing layout that allows for proper ventilation, ample space, and easy cleaning should be designed. Features such as nest box, perches, and separate areas for feeding and watering should be incorporated.  Cages are not permitted.  
The birds should be provided access to sunlight, good drinking water, shade, and open spaces for exercise. Birds should be kept in a deep litter system using clean and dry litter material like paddy husk, straw, wood shaving etc. In organic poultry farming, the birds must typically be grown for a period of 81 days. Green forage enhances the quality of egg yolks. In organic farming, an adult laying bird should have a minimum space of 2ft2 per bird in a confined space and 3 ft2 per bird in a foraging area. Always keep the litter dry. Provide enough space for feeding and watering to prevent competition among the birds. Regular water quality testing should be done to prevent spread of diseases by contaminated water. Use artificial light in farms according to the time prescribed by the certification agencies. Poultry houses should be well ventilated and rat proof. In organic farming, beak trimming and debeaking are often prohibited, but some certifying organizations still allow them. The upper beak shouldn’t be debeaked if more than 5 mm of it is removed.  
iv) Outdoor space: Sufficient outdoor space should be allocated to allow the birds to engage in natural behaviours and forage for food. The outdoor area should be securely fenced to protect the birds from predators and unauthorized access. Provide shaded areas and shelters to protect the birds from excessive heat, cold, or inclement weather. Avoid the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers to the outdoor environment.  
v) Nutritional management: Organic poultry feed must contain grains grown organically i.e. grown without using pesticides, or chemicals of any kind. These grains cannot be grown from genetically modified seeds or contaminated by them. Although synthetic amino acids are not permitted, synthetic methionine is permitted for feeding poultry.   No drugs, antibiotics, growth promoters  or hormones can be added in the feed.   
The diet can be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements. Organic peas and beans can be added as a source of protein. For meat birds and laying hens, peas can be added at the rate of 250-300 g/kg and 150-200 g/kg respectively. Sprouted pulses should be utilized instead of synthetic amino acids whenever possible and they are a good source of vitamins. Feeding organic soybeans, skim milk powder, potatoes, maize gluten, etc. can satisfy the requirement of essential amino acids. Pre-biotics, probiotics, and non- synthetic enzymes should be included in the diet. Avoid excessive feeding.   
vi) Health management: Keeping the birds healthy is crucial for their overall well-being in organic farming. Take preventive health care measures such as good sanitation and disinfection to reduce the occurrence and spread of diseases, establishment of suitable housing and pasture conditions, choosing birds that are resistant to common diseases, and providing enough nutrients to meet the birds’ nutritional requirements.  In case of organic farming, avoid use of antibiotics. Vaccinations can be done only when the diseases are expected to be a problem or can’t be controlled by other managemental practices.
The natural antibiotics alternatives including pro-biotics, prebiotics,  sym- biotics, organic acids, essential oils, enzymes, immuno stimulants,  and phytogenic including herbs, botanicals, essential oils, and oleoresins are the most common feed additives that acquire popularity in poultry industry following the ban of antibiotic growth promoters. (To be contd)