Ph Dhananjit to attend Paris Games as BFI observer

23 Jul 2024 01:33:31

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By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Jul 22 : In a prestigious moment for the Manipur Amateur Boxing Association (MABA) and particularly for the boxing enthusiasts of the State, association general secretary Pheiroijam Dhanajit has been selected as an observer by Boxing Federation of India who will be attending the Paris 2024 Olympics.
Ph Dhanajit will be leaving Imphal on July 25 and join the National federation's delegate to Paris Games, said MABA.
The significant achievement not only highlights the dedication and hard work but also stands as a true appreciation and recognition of the exceptional contribution of Manipuri boxers in both the National and international arenas over the years, MABA noted.
The opportunity to attend such marquee events will undoubtedly inspire many young and aspiring boxers from Manipur, it said.
Expressing pride on making it to the BFI's delegate, MABA also extended best wishes to the association general secretary and thanked BFI for the privilege extended to Ph Dhanajit.
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