Gaikhangam in his elements, again Where are the Kuki-Zo MLAs ?

Known for his choice of words, the phrasing of ideas and fluency in the use of Meiteilon, former Deputy Chief Minister and member of the Congress Working Committee Gaikhangam was uncharacteristically quiet during the last 14 months, especially after Manipur went up in flames in the evening of May 3, 2023. Cannot say for the others, but to The Sangai Express the absence of wit, sharp observation and verbally delivering points which should jolt the senses of the Government was sorely felt and it was with a sense of satisfaction that the ideas and opinions of the former Deputy Chief Minister was given the prominence it deserved on July 17. Not exactly a retort but Gaikhangam gave it back good in maintaining that Ministers and MLAs, belonging to the Kukis and the Nagas worked collectively and went together to meet villagers of both communities to resolve the Naga-Kuki clash of the early 1990s. Gaikhangam was again bang on target in asserting that the Naga-Kuki clash was different from the present crisis and in underlining this point, the former Deputy Chief Minister could have been alluding to the fact that buffer zones did not criss cross the geography of Manipur back then. More people were killed during the Naga-Kuki clash but the stand off or hostility did not spill over to other places such as Delhi, where students of Manipur, cutting across community lines, mingled and socialised with each other. In other words the killings in Manipur was not reflected in the conduct and interaction of the students belonging to different communities in cities like Delhi. One wonders if this is the case now.  No statesman or political leader worth his or her salt should be drawing comparisons between two man made disasters in an effort to assert that violence or ethnic clash is not something new in Manipur but Gaikhangam was constrained to come out with his comparative assessment in the backdrop of the earlier comparison drawn by Awangbow Newmai of the NPF and this is where the tragedy of drawing such a comparative study becomes more palpable in the face of the fact that it came from a Naga gentleman in an effort to give some breathing space to its partner in Government. Unfortunate it is that in drawing up the comparison, Newmai overlooked the fact that in Gaikhangam, the Congress has a veteran leader, who was already in the Council of Ministers during the time of the Naga-Kuki clash and obviously best placed to give it back and give it back he did. That the former Deputy Chief Minister made it a point to recall that Naga and Kuki Ministers and MLAs worked together to resolve the issue should say something significant for here is a case of the 10 Kuki-Zo MLAs, including two Ministers, who have raised the Separate Administration call, much less work to resolve the issue. Wonder how the BJP led Government would respond to this point.
The former Deputy Chief Minister has delivered his point and perhaps it is time for the BJP led Government to come around to the idea that this is not the time for finger pointing, but work to resolve the issue. This is also the time for Ministers and MLAs drawn from the Meitei, Naga and Kuki communities to come together and help chart the roadmap to normalcy, a point raised by Gaikhangam and this is something which should seriously be looked into. No one knows if the Government is in touch with the ten Kuki-ZO MLAs to explore avenues to start the process of ushering in normalcy, but this is the time to do it and perhaps this is where the Prime Minister or the Union Home Minister may step in and arrange meetings where the people’s representatives can sit across the table and explore ways and means to sketch the roadmap to normalcy. Not criticism but suggestions, is the line maintained by Gaikhangam and the BJP led Government at Imphal must keep this in mind in exploring ways to start a dialogue. Political leaders should take the lead in breaking the ice and once this is done, then the CSOs may be taken into confidence. The least that is expected of Delhi is to lay down the groundwork for the actual process to start. Arrange a meeting at Delhi where representatives of the Meiteis, the Nagas and Kukis can meet and talk things over and Delhi is best placed to arrange such a meeting. The Government at Imphal too must keep its minds open and welcome all suggestions.