Rahul Ji, let us talk solution

Free Thinker
The people of Manipur may be happy when they see a big leader coming from  Rajdhani to enquire about their well-being. Before Rahul ji many VIPs came and went away – but the people are still waiting for ‘Godot’ – i.e., a peaceful solution. No one is perhaps serious about finding an amicable settlement. All and sundry are still busy in fire-fighting, ad hoc arrangements and indulging in politics or communalism on ethnic lines.
The Lok Sabha election is over and the State election is far off. This is not the time to do opportunistic politics. Ideally the ruling and opposition parties must come together and start talking and chalking out practical solutions to the problems. Instead of blaming one another and digging history it is high time to come forward and work out for plausible remedies.
Intelligentsia is fed up with the allegations and counter allegations. Criticisms beget criticisms. Mudslinging is taking place not only at the political level but also at the social and ethnic level. Such squabblings  are leading us to nowhere. The problem is that we have too many associations and organizations – armed or unarmed. Too many cooks spoil the broth. That is happening here.
Everyone knows that the State is now in a flux. More than 50,000 people are still in the relief camps for more than 14 months. People have lost jobs and business. Children are not getting proper education and they are also deprived of a homely environment. Now most of the people living in the relief camps have psychological problems. Recently one person had committed suicide.
My simple point is that many leaders came here including Parliamentarians and Ministers – they met the people who are really suffering. They had spoken to them directly – in the valley as well as in the hills. The story is repeated umpteen times – they want peace and proper rehabilitation. They want a normal life to live on. Most of them are desperately longing for a safe and secure life.
It seems every leader or politician wants to take advantage of this unfortunate situation. That is the most unfortunate part. Every leader wants a pound of flesh for himself or herself. Genuinely no one is thinking about the State and the innocent people who are living in horrendous conditions (many are struggling outside the State to survive).
Still some anti-social or anti-national people are working day and night to destabilize the State politically, territorially, ethnically or otherwise. Thanks to the Strong leadership at the Centre – no division has taken place so far. And it is unlikely to happen. The Prime Minister himself had stated in Parliament that Manipur is a tiny State. This is an indication that ‘molecule shall not be made atoms’.
The Union Home Minister had reiterated again and again inside and outside Parliament that the unity and Integrity of Manipur will remain intact. RSS leaders had also given the assurance that Manipur will never be dismembered. But they always insist that all the people should live in harmony. Peaceful co-existence is the only way. But how?
The Lok Sabha LOP Rahul ji came a few days back . He met the affected people in Churachandpur, Jiribam and  Bishempur . He himself interacted with the people . He heard the people direct – the message is the same – they want a normal life. But how ?
For quite long we have been raising the issues of Manipur – inside and outside the State. The issues have been raised inside and outside Parliament too. Even in national media – our matters are discussed and reported from various angles. Even in the European Parliament, British Parliament and the US Congress Manipur had been made a topic by vested interest groups.  
Unfortunately nobody is giving concrete suggestions for finding a cordial settlement. Yes, we all agree there are many intricate issues involved. But somewhere down the line we have to start doing serious business for finding remedies to these problems. Political negotiation might have started in Guwahati and possibly the PM is monitoring.  Talks should not be restricted – it must cover all the major aspects.
For instance – demand for UT status or Separate Administration must be discussed and let the Centre respond accordingly.  Demand for Sixth Schedule in the Hills – must be included. Possibility of more autonomy in the hills may be taken into account. Demand for ST status for Meiteis can’t be ignored. Protecting the Naga inhabited areas should be part of the parleys. How to practically identify and push out illegal migrants must be given a priority.  Disarming of all the militias – should be taken up seriously. Possible involvement of global players in culminating destabilization in the region may also be looked into.  Adequate compensation for the destroyed properties should also be part of the agenda.
At this juncture there may not be any change in politics. However there could be some drastic steps and actions to bring peace and tranquility in the State. Let us suffer for a while if it is for common good.
Perhaps, parleys have begun with those who matter most. Rahul ji, people believe that your party will also contribute in finding a pragmatic solution in the State. Long live Manipur.