37th Remembrance day of "Operation Bluebird" commemorated

10 Jul 2024 00:16:08

Our Correspondent
SENAPATI, Jul 9: The 37th  Remembrance day of  Onae Reh Dah "Operation bluebird" (Oinam incident of 1987) was held today at SM Sha hall, Rikhumai Taphou in Senapati organised by the Naga Peoples' Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR).
Z Neikuo Lhousa, former Naga students' Federation (NSF) vice president (1987-1989)  graced the occasion as the special invitee.
Speaking at the occasion,  he said that the Oinam incident of 1987 was an infamous incident for the Indian Army and the Government of India. However, for the Nagas, it was a victory day as the world came to know who the Nagas are.
Lhousa who was the vice president of NSF during the Oinam incident, narrated that he along with the then NSF president who were on a goodwill mission to Oinam village were not allowed to go further by the Indian Army.
'So we went to Imphal and while returning, we were detained by the Indian Army at Karong for six days and six nights', he said.
Lhousa shared how the Indian army and intelligence were after him.  
He also stressed on the need to stay together with the neighbours, relatives, enemies and with one another peacefully in spite of the differences. He challenged the gathering to do something for the nation when one has the opportunity rather than to regret it later.
Joyson Mazamo, convenor NPMHR (south) in his opening remarks, said that 37 years ago, beginning this day in 1987 at Oinam and surrounding villages, a reign of terror under the codename “ Operation Bliuebird” was let loose. It showed to the world that dignity and life of fellow human beings do not matter.
Narrating the ordeal during the infamous operation, Joyson Mazamo informed that 27 persons were murdered and many more died subsequently as a result of severe torture, three women were raped, five women were sexually assaulted, two women were forced to give birth in open ground in front of the jawans, 340 persons were tortured , 125 houses were burnt, 172 houses were dismantled, ten churches were dismantled, six schools were dismantled and all paddy fields were destroyed by cattle since the villagers were grouped together in concentration camps for days.
Mazamo said that the judgement of the prolonged litigation in the Indian Court that began on October 5 1987 never came and the judges who were chosen to deliver the verdict were posted out when all the due processes of litigation were completed in 1992. He said that after a long gap and with great difficulties, following sustained efforts from their end, the case was recalled in 2018 and an order was obtained for an “Enquiry committee” within 3 months but it was never constituted.
He said the continued imposition of AFSPA 1958 has led to a plethora of heinous crime of all kinds, like rape, torture, killings and so on. He recalled that the Oting incident in Mon district of Nagaland reminded them of the perilous circumstances at present. He said the past experiences show the futility of brute force exerted and the ancestors endured humiliation but they made the best choice in trying circumstances and it is their vision that has guided them..
He also paid tribute to all victims of the Naga national movements as their martyrdom is the guiding light that will take the current generation towards the ultimate goal which is freedom for all humankind.
It may be noted that solidarity messages were also delivered by various Naga organizations like Naga Students' Federation (NSF), United Naga Council (UNC), Angami Youth Organization (AYO), Chakhesang Youth Front (CYF), Rengma Selo Zi (RSZ), Sumi Youth Organization (SYO),  All Naga students' Association Manipur (ANSAM) and Naga Women Union (NWU).
The Poumai Naga Union (PNU) with its frontal organizations the Poumai Naga Women's Union (PNNM) and Poumai Naga Students union (PNTM) also observed the 37th Commemoration of Onae Reh Dah, the Infamous Operation Bluebird, a tragic event that occurred on July 9, 1987.
The day began with a flag-hoisting ceremony at half-mast at the offices PNU, PNTM and PNNM attended by leaders and representatives from various capacities.
In the evening, a candlelight service was held at Khabung Karong, where the service saw an unprecedented number of participants, including leaders, citizens, students, youth, children, and elderly individuals from all walks of life.
Leaders from various capacities, living victims, villagers, intellectuals and well wishers also graced the occasion.
Delivering the keynote address, RB Pani, PNU president termed the day as a victory day for the Nagas. However the event was marked by tears and solemnity as the participants remembered the atrocities committed  during the infamous Operation Bluebird.
TS Khaie, Chairman of Taphou Onaeme shared his personal experience of losing his mother during the operation and recounted the inhumane torture and untold miseries faced by the innocent villagers.
The candlelight service served as a reminder of the importance of unity, justice and peace.
Lastly the PNU expressed gratitude to all who extended support to today's programme.
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