STAR Education partakes in EWF

10 Jul 2024 00:25:43

STAR Education took part in the Education World Forum (EWF) which was held in London from May 19 to 23.
Notably, representatives from the Manipur Education Department including H Gyan Prakash, Commissioner Education (S), Manipur and L Nandakumar Singh, Director of Education (S), Manipur were part of the forum along with Sujatha Muthayya, vice president, Policy and Partnerships, NewGlobe.
It is worth noting that Education World Forum is the largest annual gathering of education and skills ministers in the world held in London each year. Every year the forum brings together Ministers of Education, Higher Education and Skills, their advisors and delegates to address the key issues faced by the education systems and discuss the solutions that they found were helpful in successfully bringing about change in their countries and regions.
STAR Education also won the Most Resilient Leadership Team amongst other programs of New Globe.
More than 120 schools were trained as part of the STAR Education Teachers’ Induction Training. The second phase of training for 2024 was carried out from May 13 to May 23 at Johnstone Higher Secondary School, Imphal.
Recently, STAR Education also celebrated World Book Day at Waikhom Leikai Upper Primary School, Waikhom Leikai.
Numerous parent-teacher meetings were also held in various STAR-supported schools in April.
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