Moreh school torched

JIRI/MOREH, Jun 13 : Even as there is no respite in the aggresion of Kuki ultras at Jiribam, fresh tension has emerged at Moreh.
A house belonging to a Meetei was bombed last night at about 11 at Jiribam while armed Kuki miscreants torched a residential school (Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya) at T Minou village near Moreh about two hours earlier.
The house which was attacked by Kuki militants belongs to one Achom Ajit (77) of Narayanpur under Jakuradhore Part-1 in Jiribam but he wasn't at the house at the time of the incident.
The house was severely damaged in the explosion.
It is reported that another bomb was found lying at Jakuradhor Part 2 at around 10.30 am today. The bomb was found stuffed inside a bag by a caretaker at a nearby office.
It is said that the bomb was still lying on the ground when this report was filed as there was no bomb disposal squad at the place. The area however was cordoned off by the Assam Rifles  and CRPF personnel.
Meanwhile, the school at Moreh which was torched last night is situated between Border Pillar 75 and 76 of the border town and lies just 500  metres (approx) away from the COB camp of Assam Rifles.
Reportedly, an arrangement was made recently to deploy the personnel of 96 battalion of Border Security Force (BSF) at the school which was burnt down by the armed Kuki miscreants.
A suo moto case has been registered by Moreh police pertaining to the arson.
Moreh is one of the first places in Manipur where Kuki militants carried out a hostile campaign against the Meeteis post the Tribal Solidarity March of ATSUM on May 3, 2023. The arson at the strategic border town comes amid a fresh spate of violence which has been going on at Jiribam and some other places since the last few days.