Need for conservation of pony stresseed

22 May 2024 00:40:13
By Our Staff Reporter
Imphal, May 21 : A consultative meeting on "Status on sustainable preservation of Manipuri pony" was held at the complex of the Directorate of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Services at Sanjenthong, today.
The meeting jointly organised by the Directorate of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Services and Manipuri Pony Society (MPS) was attended by MPS president Professor Ch Priyoranjan, Director of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Services RK Khogendrajit and Manipur Equestrian Association chairman N Bedajeet as chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively.
At the meeting, Professor Priyoranjan expressed desire for the Government to start a pony culture at every village and constitute a taskforce of the Pony Development Board to intensify the movement to conserve pony.
Saying that the State has less than 1100 ponies now, he added that the loss of grazing and polo grounds and polo game being lessly played are some of the indications of pony becoming endangered.
Manipur Pony Conservation and Development Policy was formulated in 2016, the Professor reminded and expressed desire for the Government to re-examine how effective the policy is in conserving pony.
Saying that a collective effort is needed to conserve pony, Priyoranjan appealed to the polo clubs and polo players to take the extra role and give suggestions to the Government to protect pony.
Veterinary Director Dr RK Khogendrajit, on the other hand, said that the meeting was convened to take some practical resolutions to conserve pony.
He also said that pony is registered at ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources.
Saying that the figure of pony in 2003 was 1893 as per livestock census of that time and it was found reduced to 1089 in 2019, RK Khogendrajit continued that urbanisation, encroachment and shrinkage of wetlands and grazing groups are some of the factors which led to the dwindling of pony population in Manipur.
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