NSCN (IM) states stand

22 May 2024 01:09:09
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, May 21 : The NSCN (IM) has appealed to one and all, particularly the Naga ruling elites not to interpret Nagalim unique history and sovereignty and the Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015 according to the wish of the Indian Government or Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) as the case may be.
In a statement released by its external public wing, ministry alee (foreign) affairs-east, the outfit continued that the sovereign existence of people and Nations are ordained by the Almighty and to safeguard and defend it, is the duty of all Nations, tribe and kindred, men women and children.
Saying that Nagalim and Nagas were steadfast and they defended and stood for their 'God given right' to exist as a Nation by clearly expressing their right of self-determination by the August 14, 1947 independence declaration and the May 16, 1951 plebiscite among others, the outfit claimed that few traitors ,however, tried to sell off Nagalim by the so called 16 Point Agreement leading to the formation of the present day 'so called Nagaland State' and the 'surrendered' 1975 Shillong Accord.
In 1980 the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) was formed by late Isak Chishi Swu and Th Muivah, after condemning the betrayed 1975 Shillong Accord and subsequently they carried forward the Naga National struggle steadfastly and internationalized the Naga issue, the outfit added.
Saying that the Government of India realized the futility of military way solution by justifying their policy of branding the Naga political issue as their “internal law and order issue,” the NSCN (IM) maintained that the political negotiation between the Government of India  and the NSCN/GPRN began from August 1, 1997  at the the Prime Minister level without any pre-condition outside India.
It said that the fourth point for a third-party involvement remains open-ended.
Maintaining that two important and unique agreements were signed in the the political negotiation with the Government of India (GoI) under the leadership of its late chairman Isak Chishi Swu and general secretary Th Muivah,  whereby Nagalim's 'unique history and sovereignty' were officially recognized,  the outfit added that the Amsterdam Joint Communiqué of July 11, 2002 officially recognized the unique history, implied that Nagalim was never a part of India or Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) as the case may be, either by consent or by conquest and  Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015 signed on the foundation of sovereignty also, acknowledged that sovereignty lies with the Naga people.
Since sovereignty is constitutive of identity, the letter and spirit of the Framework Agreement duly recognize and acknowledge the “sovereign Nagalim National Flag” and “sovereign Nagalim Constitution,” the outfit reasoned.
It also said that the sharing of “sovereign power” in the “new relationship” shall be outside the Union and Constitution of India or Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) as the case may be since the Amsterdam Joint Communiqué of July 11, 2022 and the Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015 are officially signed by 'two sovereign entities.'
Further stating that  all the “sovereign powers” shall be negotiated respecting and honouring Nagalim's unique history and  sovereignty in the ongoing political negotiation, the NSCN (IM) added that the mutually agreed “sovereign powers”, including the Flag and Constitution shall be the sovereign Nagalim Flag and the sovereign Nagalim Constitution.
The “new relationship of sharing sovereign power” is between two sovereign entities and shall not be within and under the Union or Constitution of India or Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) as the case maybe, the  outfit said while appealing to all, particularly the Naga ruling elites not to interpret Nagalim unique history and sovereignty and the Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015 with impunity according to the wish of their masters, the Indian Government or Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) as the case may be.
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