Koireng led UNLF observes "Martyrs’ Memorial Day"

19 May 2024 00:25:38
IMPHAL, May 18
The Koireng-led UNLF today observed the 7th “Martyrs’   Memorial Day” (Athoubasing Ningsing Numit) at the party’s central headquarters, MPA general headquarters, External Affairs Department head-quarters, different depart- ments and units of the party, both inside Manipur and beyond.
The outfit has been observing May 18 as “Martyrs’   Memorial Day” in honour of all those people who had laid down their lives in the course of the liberation movement the UNLF has been waging since 1964.
Flying the party’s flag at half mast, fasting from 5 am to 5 pm, offering of floral tributes to the martyrs and observing silence for two minutes in honour of the martyrs were the main features of the “Martyrs’   Memorial Day” observation,  conveyed a press release issued by the outfit’s secretary of publicity M Shak-Hen.
The underlying message of the “Martyrs’   Memorial Day” observation is intensification of the liberation movement in the line of the lofty ideals of sacrifice espoused by the martyrs, it said.
“There would be no mea-ning to observation of the Martyrs’ Memorial Day if we stray from the path chosen by the martyrs”, it asserted.
The observation culminated with a collective pledge to sacrifice everything in the war to liberate Manipur, it added.   
A statement issued by the outfit’s Central Committee alleged that the ongoing Kuki aggression is a proxy war of India where Kukis are being used as pawns.
In the meantime, collaborators of the alien Govern- ment have been saying that “India is not standing in favour of the Meiteis because of the insurgent groups and Meiteis must go together with India in order to protect the integrity of Mani- pur”.
But such outrageous statements would not be able to befool the people for the people now know who the enemy is, the Central Committee said.
“The deceitful strategies of the alien regime, internal challenges and the threats posed by the changing situation at the place where the outfit has been taking shelter must be faced boldly with rational mind instead of allowing these challenges to overcome us”, it said.
It’s time to study the causes of the revolutionary movement’s attenuated state and the current challenges, the Central Committee said. Observing the “Martyrs’ Memorial Day” at such a critical juncture assumes great significance. The revolutionary groups must rectify all mistakes and carry forward the revolutionary movement on the right path with a strong determination The indigenous people of Manipur can protect their identity and live with dignity only when the alien rule is abolished and a ‘people’s Government’ is established, it added.
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