Famous female Mathematicians in India

17 May 2024 02:31:10

Vijay GarG
Contd from previous issue
She was selected as one of the initial fellows of the American Mathematical Society in 2012.
8. Ajit Iqbal Singh:  Ajit Iqbal Singh is one of the women mathematicians in India with specialization in functional analysis and harmonic analysis. Till 2008, she worked as a Professor of Mathematics at Delhi University and since then has been serving as a Visiting Professor at the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. She is also a fellow at the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), the highest body of scientists and technologists in India and also at the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad.
9. TA Sarasvati Amma :  TA Amma was a Maths scholar and significantly contributed to the field of Mathematical history through her book Geometry of Ancient and Medieval India. Her book has been praised by many international scholars like Michio Yano and David Mumford and tries to prove that ancient India did have mathematical temper and was rich in geometric representations of algebraic results.
10. Bhama Srinivasan : Bhama Srinivasan is an Indian woman Mathematician who is known for her work in representation theory of finite groups. She serves as Professor Emerita at University of Illinois, Chicago. Along with Paul Fong she has also worked on modular representation theory and Deligne-Lusztig theory. She became a fellow at the American Mathematical Society in 2012 and at the Association for Women in Mathematics in 2017. She was honoured with the Noether Lecture in 1990 for her work.
These incredible women Mathematicians in India have repeatedly shown that gender cannot define boundaries and everyone regardless of their gender is free to dream and achieve success if they have the determination, zeal and the right attitude towards life.
Their accomplishments can help innumerable girls to break free of these age-old orthodox ideas and redefine gender identities, thereby carving out a new path for Indian women in STEM.
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