Career counselling : A life guidance tool

10 May 2024 00:09:09
Er Prabhat Kishore
Present day youths have shifted from traditional degree courses to job-oriented vocational and skill training courses. Millions of youth are being trained in a variety of skills through short-term skill training programs in India. Career counselling is one of the factors that influence the uptake of skill training programs and their resultant culmination in desirable jobs. With career counselling, candidates’ chances of success are maximised  in a career line commensurate with  their interests, personalities, aptitudes, and job market realities.
Career counselling is a guidance tool that helps individuals make informed choices on a prospective career path. It evaluates an individual’s aptitudes, interests, skills, and capabilities, and may also include context relevant factors, including data of the job market and average compensation expectations, the individual’s access to resources, etc. to arrive at suitable career options. The need of the hour is to approach “Career counsellor” with a view of creating a comprehensive and standardized framework.
The career counselling solution envisages to yield the following: 1. Profile interests, attitudes, and skills of candidates through psychometric assessment tools, 2. Access to consolidated knowledge and insights to candidates to reduce information asymmetries
(To be contd)
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