State specific crop/animal species for higher productivity in NE
Angad Prasad, Indira Sarangthem and Daya Ram
Contd from previous issue
Therefore, it is essential to process a part of the produce into low volume high value products to make the crop remunerative. As it is abundantly available in the region, different products like ginger oil, ginger oleoresin, ginger candy, ginger powder etc. can be prepared for export, which are in high demand in developed countries. Dried ginger (called Saunth) can also be prepared and it may be either sold as such or in the form of off-white to very light brown powder.
Ginger is a tropical crop and requires warm and humid climate for its cultivation. Altitude: Ginger is cultivated from sea level to altitudes of about 1500 m ASL. However, the optimum elevation for its successful cultivation is in the range of 300-900 m ASL. In north eastern region, ginger is generally grown in Jhum (shifting cultivation) land, situated in moderate to high altitudes. Temperature: Ginger performs well in a temperature range of 190C- 280C and a humidity of 70-90%. It does not grow well in those areas where the temperature exceeds 320C with low relative humidity. Cool and dry climate is best for rhizome development and thus, the State of Meghalaya has a favourable condition for ginger cultivation. The yield of green ginger is about 100-150 q/ha (Green rhizomes) and 200-250 1/ha of mature rhizomes. Ginger Powder, Candies and preserves, salted ginger, ginger paste, ginger oil and oleoresin etc are important products made from ginger.
Mizoram is a state in north-eastern part of India with Aizawl as its capital city. The name is derived from ‘Mizo’ the name of the native inhabitants, and ‘Ram’ which means land and thus, Mizoram means ‘’Land of the Mizos’’. Within the northeast region, it is the southernmost landlocked state, sharing borders with three of the Seven Sister States, namely Tripura, Assam and Manipur. The state also shares a 722-kilometre border with the neighbouring countries of Bangladesh and Myanmar. The climate in Mizoram is ideal for growing flowers.
3.1 Anthurium:
Anthurium is very important flower being grown in the State of Mizoram. It is a tropical perennial herb of the areceae (arum) family and can grow up to a height of 20 inches. It is also known by a variety of other names such as tail flower, flamingo, cresto de gallo, cockscomb and anturio. Anthuriums were first introduced to Mizoram in the year 2002. Now a-days, more than 300 families are actively engaged in Anthurium cultivation and several Growers Societies fulfil the needs and aspirations of the growers. The Anthurium is a very interesting flower. It is actually an ensemble, much like a couturier’s designed dress. The colourful part that we see is a leaf, brilliantly coloured to attract insects for pollination. The actual flowers are very tiny and can be seen on a fleshy stem standing upright in the centre of this leaf. This stem, bearing the flowers, is called spadix. The spadix always rises straight up, holding the flowers high and open to the atmosphere for facilitating pollination. The waxy specialized leaf also provided protection to the delicate flowers. This entire ensemble is startlingly attractive and the cut flowers last anything from 8-21 days making them a favourite for flower arrangement. The Ministry of Horticulture in Mizoram is actively engaged in promoting floriculture in the State. The seed material is procured from Holland. The latest Dutch varieties are gown under shade houses. Once the stems grow to sizes ready for cutting, the cut flowers are brought to the plant for precision cutting and placed in cold storage till they are packaged for marketing. The stems have to reach the buyer within 24 hours to be of value. They are exported to Dubai and other countries too. For the internal market, the flowers are first shipped to Kolkata and then to Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.
With the aim to boost the horticulture economy in the region, Mizoram Government has chalked out a blue-print to export huge quantity of high quality Anthurium flowers across the globe. The State Horticulture Department exports anthurium flowers to Dubai, UAE and other gulf countries. There are more than 350 anthurium growers in the State, who have been trained by the Horticulture Department along with all the raw materials to produce international quality of anthurium flowers. The rate of the flowersw differs according to the size and the market.
(To be contd)