Khenjonglang’s Chumthang Makhong enthralls audience

15 Mar 2024 00:44:26

By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Mar 14: Chumthang Makhong, a play presented by theatre repertory cum training and research centre group Khenjonglang at JN Dance Academy, Imphal today has allured the audience.
The play is directed and designed by Sanabam Thaninleima with retired IAS Kangjam Radhakumar taking the helm as playwright.
According to Thaninleima, the synopsis of the play is “Man lives in a tragic world”.
She further explained that the play revolves around two characters, namely Meiraba and Malaya, a married man and a bachelor respectively.
“Meiraba does not feel the essence of the institution of birth, marriage and death. He is married and has two children but he is not happy. Far from his worldly wife wonders if he is in search of the proverbial pot of gold at the rainbow's end. She tries to bring her dream of a husband to the real world. If marriage is not all, celibacy also has no pleasure”, she said.
“On the other hand, Malaya does bother about worldly life. He is also in search of somebody or something- he also lives in a tragic world. And his tragedy is that he does not know what he is searching for. In this tragic world, man lives in an age where he is ages apart from the others”, Thaninleima added.
In the inaugural session of the workshop cum production programme under the aegis of Chief Minister Artistsing gi Tengbang (CMAT) scheme, Department of Arts and Culture, Government of Manipur, Manipur University of Culture (MUC) Vice Chancellor Professor Paonam Gunindro, retired Associate Professor Moirangthem Modhu Singh and Art and Culture Deputy Director (Programme) G Dharmadas Singh attended as the chief guest, president and guest of honor respectively.
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