A better idea : Invincible defence technology

04 Feb 2024 01:41:25
Dr David Leffler
Contd from previous issue
While the Israel/Gaza war has already taken a devastating toll, IDT can serve as a powerful tool for swift resolution. The approach involves establishing coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness, which, in turn, influences the behaviour of individuals and groups involved in the conflict. By fostering an environment of understanding and reducing hostilities, IDT can expedite the peace process.
IDT's effectiveness is based on the "Maharishi Effect," which has been validated in multiple real-world situations. When a sufficiently large group practices TM and its advanced technologies of consciousness together, crime rates decrease and societal well-being improves. Applying this concept to the Israel/Gaza conflict, a dedicated group of individuals practicing IDT could create a positive influence in collective consciousness, facilitating negotiations and hastening the end of hostilities.
Critics may question the feasibility and practicality of implementing IDT on a large scale. But findings published extensively in reputable journals underscore the potential for IDT to be a realistic and impactful strategy for conflict resolution. In many countries its deployment would cost less that a modern fighter jet.
The deployment of IDT presents a compelling addition to the traditional methods of defence. The CAMS vision of harnessing the power of collective consciousness via deployment of IDT offers a path towards preventing conflicts and resolving existing ones more rapidly. While skeptics may raise doubts, the empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of IDT is a beacon of hope in a world yearning for lasting peace. It is time for nations such as Israel to seriously consider this better idea. The transformative potential of IDT offers all nations a future where conflicts are minimized and humanity quickly moves towards a more harmonious coexistence.
Dr. David R. Leffler received his Ph.D. in Consciousness-Based Military Defence from Union Institute & University in Cincinnati, Ohio USA. He is a former Associate of the Proteus Management Group at the Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College and is a member of the U.S. Naval Institute. Currently, he is the Executive Director at the Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS).
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