Power purchase is Rs 60 Cr/month, collection from consumers is only Rs 40 Cr/month Govt pays Rs 20 crore per month for power purchase


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By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 2: Notwithstanding the sick financial condition of the State Government, the Government has been paying Rs 20 crore every month for purchasing power.
According to a source in the Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited (MSPDCL), the State’s daily requirement of power is 260 MW during peak hours (5 pm to 10 pm) and 230 MW outside the peak hours.
Being dry season, generation of power at all hydro electric power projects located in the North East region has declined considerably.
As such, MSPDCL has been purchasing power from thermal power plants too. The company has been purchasing 230 MW during peak hours and 110 MW during other hours for distribution to the public including business establishments and industrial units.
Whereas the average monthly expenditure on purchasing power is Rs 60 crore, MSPDCL could collect only around Rs 40 crore from the consumers in a month.
The actual cost of power per unit including the transmission charge is a little over Rs 11 but it is sold at Rs 5.50.
The power tariff of Manipur is determined by the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Manipur and Mizoram) and the Government of India has no authority to fix a separate tariff for Manipur.
Even if the power tariff charged on domestic consumers is maintained at the current rate, the power tariff for industrial units and business establishments can be revised to bridge the gap between the purchasing cost and the selling price.
However, in the absence of a separate electricity regulatory commission for Manipur, the Government is unable to revise the tariff, said the source.
The term of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission of Manipur and Mizoram expired on June 24 last year.
It is not yet clear whether the term of the joint regulatory commission would be extended or a separate electricity regulatory commission would be set up for Manipur.
Collection of power bills declined drastically after internet was shut down in the whole State for several months last year on account of the violent crisis.
Even though internet service was down, people could not live without electricity. As such, a large number of consumers tapped electricity bypassing the metre.
Even after internet service was restored, many consumers are still bypassing the metre, said the source.
The source said that many of the consumers are now not charging their prepaid connections.
All the people are now facing a very hard time but that does not exonerate one from using electricity free of cost, said the source.
Instead of using electricity free of cost, it is more advisable to use electricity judiciously and pay bills/taxes for the reduced quantity otherwise the whole State may plunge into complete darkness one day, said the source.
On the other hand, MSPDCL’s service is exceptionally good in the entire North East and it is given grade A. MSPDCL occupies 9th position among all the power distribution companies of the country, claimed the source.
Power distribution of all other North Eastern States are given grade B, added the source.
Meanwhile MSPDCL Managing Director H Shantikumar has appealed to HT consumers, Government consumers and LT postpaid consumers to clear all due power bills by February.
Power connection of those consumers who fail to clear due bills by February would be disconnected without giving any prior notice, said the Managing Director.