Transforming education in Manipur

13 Feb 2024 01:24:26
Sonny Chungkham (Director of Policy & Partnerships, STAR Education)
Contd from previous issue
The graduation ceremony held at Kamakhya Pemton College, Hiyangthang, was a celebration of the dedication of these educators. 470+ Teachers and 130+ Headmasters graduated from the 10-Day Training on the 9th of February 2024. They are now equipped to implement the STAR Education Program in their respective schools.
Distinguished dignitaries graced the occasion, namely, chief guest L Nandakumar Singh, Director of Education (S) GoM, also including honorable guests: Dr Wahengbam Nimai Singh, Principal, KP College, Sujatha Muthayya, VP, Policy and Partnerships, NewGlobe, and Renuka Khumukcham, ASPD, Samagra Shiksha, Director of Education (S) GoM. Certificates were presented to participating teachers and headmasters, marking the successful completion of the Teachers’ Induction Training program. Over 100 smart- phones and 700 tablets were distributed to the teachers reflecting the program’s commitment to empowering teachers with technology-enabled teaching tools.
The need for better Government schools: A call to action
The Government of Manipur's dedication to improving education standards Statewide is evident in the successful culmination of the Teachers' Induction Training, which is the first step into the program. This initiative emphasizes the Government's commitment to elevating the quality of education in Government schools.
As we celebrate the achievements of this program, we are reminded of the pressing need for better Government schools in Manipur. While significant progress has been made, there is still much work to be done.
A proven system-wide program such as STAR Education works across geographies delivering rapid yet radical results and at scale.
Standardizing improved quality of education enables us to deliver impactful results on a large scale, potentially propelling Manipur into a league of its own among other Indian states. This transformation not only promises to elevate Manipur's education system but also forecasts a significant boost in the State's GDP growth if we can effectively sustain these improvements over time.
It is evident that better learning methodology can produce better learning outcomes for students. And when students are better educated, the economy benefits significantly.
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