The Science of Success

28 Dec 2024 23:08:40
L Biren Singh
What is life ? Life is full of happiness and sorrows. As a human being, we have to face these problems in every stage of our life. It is not just pleasure, it is also pain and despair, unthinkable things happen. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people for no fault of theirs. What we can choose is our attitude only even though we can not always choose our circumstances. The choice is either to act like a victor or victim.
It is not our position but our disposition that determines success. It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow. Our lives are not different. There is happiness and sorrows. There is the good and the bad, dark spots and bright spots.
When we can handle adversity well, it only strengthens us. We cannot control all the events that happen in our lives, but we can control how we deal with them.
However, we should have a strong determination and also have full preparation to face all these problems happened in every stage of our life.
“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” - Napoleon Hill
“If you really want to succeed, form the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do”– Anonymous.
A lot of research has been done on the subject of success and failure. The secrets of success can be learnt from the life histories of successful people. If we identify and adopt the qualities of successful people, we too shall be successful. Similarly, there are characteristics common to people who are not successful. If we avoid these characteristics, then we shall not be failures. Success is no mystery. It is simply the result of consistently applying some principles leading to success.
Success, in some people may mean wealth. In others people, it means good health, a good family, satisfaction, happiness or peace of mind etc. In short, success means different things to different people. Let us see one or some of the definitions of success.
1. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal” – Earl Nightingle.
Here, “Progressive” means that success is an ongoing journey with no destination. After we reach one goal, we go on to the next and so on. We never arrive.
“Realisation” means an experience which may be stated that the outside forces cannot make any person happy or successful. He has to feel it within himself. It appears success externally but may be total hollowness internally. We often hear that some successful persons commit suicide because they feel emptiness internally.
“Worthiness” determines the quality of our journey. It gives the meaning and fulfillment, success without fulfillment is empty. That’s like good looks without goodness.
“Goals” – goals are important because they give us a sense of direction. Our destination determines the direction we take.
2. “Success is an accomplishment of a series of transactions (separately and in whole), throughout the life, and to achieve what lies in the universe for us”.
“Success is achieving the desired result.”
Let’s have a look at some successful personalities:-
a) Wright Brothers were being ridiculed all the time due to their dreams to fly like a bird.
b) Abraham Lincoln (Former American President) loses in election 8 times.
c) Muhammad Ali : “I never said I was the smartest, I said I was the greatest”. These are the worlds of great boxer Muhammad Ali.
He once said “I hated every minute of training, but I said, don’t quit, suffer now and live for the rest of your life as a champion”.
In his childhood, he was diagnosed with dyslexia,, a disease of struggling while reading, he realized what trade would made for him and determined to achieve it. He put all his effort and became the greatest boxer in the world.
They all succeeded despite criticisms; because they knew that they were on the way to accomplish their dreams. They all knew that the success without rejection and denial is not possible. They treated their failures as stepping stones to success and decided not to quit and move ahead.
They also all knew the secret behind the success and also knew hot to achieve it. They all knew the importance of success in life and how to climb the tree of success. They did the most genious things in this world and did not quit and they were all so determined to taste the fruits of success with such a passion that nobody could stop them.
When you have decided to get some desired results and you don’t stop until you make that happen, it is called success.
3. Secrets of Success :-
(i)  “Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein.
“One cannot go beyond his imagination”
(ii) “All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect and then they work everyday towards their distant vision.” – Brian Tracy.
(iii)  “You must have a vision that guides and leads you towards your goals. The vision must be big as well as focused. A big focused vision will produce big results.
(iv)  “Whatever the task, if it is begun with the belief that you can do it, it will be done perfectly. Often belief enables a person to do what others think is impossible.” – Claude M. Bristol.
(v) Power of belief
“If you can believe, all things are possible for the one who believes” – Bible.
(a)  Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former President emphasized on the power of belief and power of imagination. He said “A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something which does not let you sleep.”
(b)  Belief is something which comes from innermost of your heart. Your heart always shows you the right path, it always guides you. When you receive any thought from outside, consult your first guide i.e., your heart and then consult your intellect before acting upon.
(c)  Visualise and Achieve :- If you can visualize, you will get. If you cannot, you will certainly not. So start visualizing, choose a time in a day, it may be a span of just 5 minutes, close your eyes and visualize that you are getting the thing, you are looking for.
Suppose, if you want to top IAS exam, start working in that direction and in those five minutes, start visualizing that you are being congratulated for securing the highest marks, feel the joy, you will feel when it really happens, enjoy the moment now and say thanks to everyone.
Do it along with your studies and preposition. Do this for five minutes everyday. One more important thing, never doubt, believe it from the bottom of your heart that you are going to top IAS exam, visualize it and it will definitely happen.
vi) Goal setting
(a) “Belief, you are getting the desired result and definitely you will get it” – Bible.
(b) “Whatever, you do today will create your destiny of tomorrow, your acts write destiny”. – M/S Arunima Sinha, first female amputee who climb the Mt. Everest.
Set a very clear goal for yourself and put all your efforts to achieve it. You will definitely achieve it.
(c) Goal must be big enough. To achieve tremendous success in life your goal must be big enough.
(d) “If people are not laughing at your goals. Your goals are too small”. – Azim Hashim Premji (Bill gate of India, Chairman of Wipro Limited).
(e) Set big goals, as big targets are easy to hit.
(f) Set a mission statement for yourself. Mission statement gives ultimate purpose to your life.
(g)  Set macro goals in the light of your mission statement. This macro goals will be directing you throughout the journey of your life. When you set a macro goal, your mind starts commanding and directing your action accordingly as and when you set your life’s mission statement, your brain gets something to do in perpetuity and starts giving you sub-goals. When you have goal, you don’t have a reason to sit within your comfort zone and you come out of it gradually and with every sub goals, you come out of it completely.
(h) You can also divide your goal into multiple parts as per your convenience.
(i) It is also very important to know that the human brain is a mechanism which can work in good ways if we fixed a definite aim. The human brain is a goal seeking mechanism.
(j) You will become more creative and more constructive when you are at a firmly objective goals that you want at all costs.
(k) The person who gets ahead is the one who does more than is necessary and keeps on doing it. It is the desire, not ability that determines the success.
(l) Set your goal and have planning about your goals. A human brain always responds to deadlines. The brain and mind must be pointed in the correct direction with a clearly defined end results.
(m) Success very rarely happens by chance, it is planned.
vii) Self Management
a) Self-management means how to manage your work, your minutes, your day, your week, your month and your year etc.
b) Self management tools
i) Spiral pads
ii) Diaries
iii) Schedules weekly / month etc.
iv) Contact Management tools
c) Time management etc.
viii) Power of action :
Swami Vivekananda said “Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is reached”.
Here, the word “Arise” indicates the courage which is required prior to getting action. It is first sign of Action. Courage is the most suitable weapon to defeat procrastination and to take action. It wins over the first target and paves the way to decisiveness and determination. Courage accelerates your mind into action and your mind starts thinking about the possible ways to execute and reach the goal.

(To be contd)

The writer is former Chief Executive Officer of Manipur Khadi & Village Industries Board, Lamphelpat

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