SOREPA Chairman shares thoughts on raising day-III

The Chin-Kuki reactionaries, after forsaking their own progenitors, have been claiming themselves as a lost tribe of the Jews and thus they have been deceiving their own people with a fabricated history, the SOREPA Chairman’s statement continued.
It then urged the old Khongjais not to let themselves be trapped by the new Khongjais (Chin-Kuki).
Toijam Ibochouba appealed to the old Khongjais not to fall prey to the machinations of Thadou, Hmar, Gangte, Guite etc but stay away from them.    
He urged the old Khongjais to stand against the Chin-Kuki and fight for the integrity of Manipur.
At the same time, if Thadous, Hmars and Gangtes etc wish to protect their identities, they must join the fight to protect the integrity of Kangleipak/Manipur. Other than this, there is no option, it said.
It said that the old Khongjais have a big role to play in restoring the lost sovereignty of Kangleipak/Manipur.
If the old Khongjais choose to remain silent to the genocide and crime against humanity by perpetrated by Chin-Kuki mercenaries with the alleged support of India, there is no reason for the whole world not to see them (old Khongjais) as complicit to acts of war unleashed by the Chin-Kuki mercenaries, it said.
All the past and present Governments have been working incessantly to isolate the revolutionary groups fighting for the independence of Kangleipak/Manipur from the masses, Ibochouba said.
However, when the State was fighting for its survival, the people called out to the revolutionaries to save the Nation. Responding to the call, hundreds came out and volunteered to fight the Chin-Kuki aggression, he said.
Now it has become a common talk that only the liberation movement can safeguard the territorial boundary of Manipur and protect the people, the SOREPA Chairman’s statement continued.
It then called upon all the people to fight collectively in order to liberate all the areas which have been occupied by the Indian armed forces and their Chin-Kuki mercenaries.
All the village volunteers who have been fighting the Chin-Kuki aggression must not forget that liberating the villages which have been occupied by Indian armed forces and Chin-Kuki mercenaries is a part of the liberation movement of Kangleipak/Manipur, it asserted.
It further called upon all the village volunteers to rise to the higher level of national liberation struggle.  
Conveying deepest respect to all the Meira Paibis and womenfolk of Kangleipak/Manipur, the SOREPA Chairman noted that the womenfolk came to the rescue of the Nation on several occasions when it fell in serious troubles or crises.
He cited the relentless struggles of the womenfolk against Burmese invaders, the Nupi Lans of 1904 and 1939 fought against British colonial rulers, the Nisha Bandh which started around 1970 against alcoholism and substance abuse and the Meira Paibi movement launched in early 1980’s against the oppressive measures of the Indian armed forces.
Armed with only torches, the womenfolk have been fighting valiantly against the Chin-Kuki aggression, he remarked.
Calling upon all the people to remember the historical fact that the Burmese invaders were driven out from Kangleipak/Manipur after the Manipuri/Kanglei people who were scattered in different directions came together and fought collectively, Toijam Ibochouba appealed to all the people to share their responsibility to face and overcome the current situation.
Only the collective struggle can protect the integrity of Kangleipak/Manipur and restore its freedom, Ibochouba concluded.