What is AI ? Definition, uses, and types Coursera Staff

Contd from previous issue
In this article, you’ll learn more about artificial intelligence, what it actually does, and different types of it. In the end, you’ll also learn about some of its benefits and dangers and explore flexible courses that can help you expand your knowledge of AI even further.  
Want to try out your AI skills? Enroll in AI for Everyone, an online program offered by DeepLearning.AI. In just 6 hours, you'll gain foundational knowledge about AI terminology, strategy, and the workflow of machine learning projects. Your first week is free.
AI For Everyone
AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become better at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone--especially your non-technical ...
Skills you'll build
Workflow of Machine Learning projects, AI terminology, Workflow of Data Science projects, AI strategy
(To be contd)