Kuki militants, village volunteers exchange fire

17 Jul 2023 01:22:45

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MOIRANG/IMP, Jul 16 : A heavy exchange of fire took place between Kuki militants and their supporters on one side and security forces and village volunteers on the other in between Khoirok village and Nungngang village under Khoupum police station this morning.
On receiving specific information about movement of Kuki militants on a mountain ridge between Laimaton and Tingkai Khullen village which is located about 8 Kms West of Tiddim Road (Keinou), security forces and village defence volunteers moved to the area but they came under heavy attack from Kuki militants in between Khoirok and Nungngang villages, before reaching Tingkai Khullen.
The security forces and village defence volunteers immediately took position and retaliated, resulting in an intense gun battle.
It is suspected that three Kuki militants were killed in the encounter while three others sustained injuries.
Some villagers told reporters that the gun battle erupted at around 6.30 am.
Sounds of gunfire and explosions were heard at Keinou, Wainem Kabui and other neighbouring villages of Tingkai Khullen.
A Bolero jeep said to be driven by Kuki militants at the conflict zone was fired at and explosive materials being transported in the vehicle were destroyed.
The explosive materials destroyed today were similar to the ones fitted to the Scorpio which exploded over Moirang River in between Phougakchao Ikhai and Kwakta last month.
Three village volunteers were also picked up by security forces after the gun battle.
The arrest of the three village volunteers sparked a public uproar and a large number of women coming from Keinou, Nambol and Bishnupur blocked the way of the security forces.
After a protracted stand-off, the security forces handed over the village volunteers to the womenfolk.
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