The Sangh and Swaraj–Role of RSS in freedom struggle

Dr Sagolsem Kulachandra Singh (Kendra Pramukh, Vishwa Samvad Kendra, Manipur)
Kindly recall the article “Where were Sangh leaders during freedom struggle”.-MPCC –Vice President and Spokesperson Mr Hareshwar Goswami published on the Sangai Express dated 20 Sept. 2022. I feel very pity that by holding such high post of an All India Political Party who has no basic idea of India’s freedom struggle.
It appears that political compulsion have made Left and so called secular parties run malicious propaganda about its role in independence struggle and its sterling records of public service in the field including wars, to create doubts in the mind of the people. There is a consensus that the Congress party of that time, an umbrella organisation for all political shades for a common cause-that is to attain freedom. There were leaders who led other organisations and other political groups also even as they remained leaders of Congress.
Three major non-violent movements for freedom were launched under Gandhiji’s leadership in 1921, 1930 and 1942. There is no doubt that Gandhiji’s biggest contribution was to involve common men and women in the freedom struggle in a simple and easily understandable form. Millions got involved in this struggle because of this innovative approach.
Dr Hedgewar, RSS founder took part in each of these movements when he was a Congress leader and even later after he had founded RSS. He died in 1940. A large number of RSS swayamsevaks and leaders took an active part in 1942 Quit India movement too. They participated as common citizens, as per the guidelines laid down by Dr Hedgewar. Another important aspect of the Indian Independence struggle that was fought over a long period was the armed revolt by many patriots. Beginning from 1857, followed by Chapheka brothers, Birsa Munda, Rani Gaidinlu, Allwis Sitaraman Raju, Savarkar, Chandrashekher Azad, Bhagat Singh, Madanlal Dhingra, Rasahbehari Bose to Shubas Chandra Bose and his Indian National Army (INA), we have a virtual roll of honour of hundreds of such dare devil freedom fighters.
It was an ironical face saving excuse since Congress itself did not have a written Constitution for 15 years after its foundation. Various reference to this period established that the ban was more out of jealousy for a highly popular organisation. This fear of the rise of a popular political alternative was sign of irrational thinking because Shri Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, aka Shri Guruji, the second RSS Sarsanghachalak, had time and again reiterated that RSS had no interest in becoming a political party.
Persecution of RSS by the Congress party had begun months before Gandhiji assassination at the peak of relief work being done by RSS for the unfortunate citizens of Bharat who were supported very poorly by the Government in the wake of partition.
RSS cadre had not been too keen about proper documentation since the beginning. However, lot of attention is being paid now to this important aspect. Reason for this lack of documentation could be that Dr Hedgewar and his successor Shri Guruji were strictly adverse to publicising RSS worker projecting themselves. They said “We should be prasidhi paraangmukh”, that is keep away from publicity; and work silently for the society and motherland.
Dr Hedgewar–A Patriot and a Freedom Fighter–His agitation while he was in Matric (SSC of today) in Neil City school is noteworthy. In 1906 he organised students of his school secretly to raise the slogan of ‘Vande Mataram’ when the school Inspector came to the school. (To be contd)