Rs 18.85 Cr looted from PNB Bank Ukhrul


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Mungchan Zimik
Ukhrul, Nov 30 : In the biggest bank heist in the history of Manipur, masked miscreants looted the Ukhrul branch of Punjab National Bank (PNB) and escaped with Rs 18.85  crore after office hours today.
The bank is located in the heart of Ukhrul Town at Viewland and has 11 staff.
The bank was looted at around 5.40 pm by a group of masked men after overpowering the security personnel guarding the main gate of the PNB Bank.
According to the bank staff, 8-10 masked men in camouflage attires intruded the bank and locked them (the staff) inside the toilet after tying them with ropes.
The masked men then forced the Manager in-charge of the bank to open the vault at gunpoint and looted the money (Rs 18.85 crore).
Reportedly, the bank was looted within 10 minutes while only one  security person was guarding the main gate at the time of the incident.
Hearsay said that the masked men went casually inside the bank and escaped with the large chunk of money.
A team of police led by Ukhrul SP Ningshem Vashum rushed to the PNB Bank and took stock of the ground situation.
According to the SP, necessary security has been beefed up in and around the surrounding areas and all possible effort is underway to arrest all the culprits.
The police have also viewed the CCTV footage to verify the identity of the culprits.
A complaint has been lodged at Ukhrul police station.
PNB is the currency chest of RBI for Ukhrul district.