NIA Court reserves sentence order

23 Aug 2022 00:14:38
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Aug 22 : The Special Judge, NIA Manipur today reserved sentence order against two convicts who carried out a bomb attack at the gate of Raj Bhavan on January 19 last year till August 29.
During the hearing today,  both the convicts - Lisham Ibosana alias Kengba alias Micheal alias Red (42) s/o (L) Samungou of Khongman Lisham Leikai  and Konsam Manithoi (46) s/o Bihari of Lairikyengbam Leikai Salanthong were produced before the Court. The two convicts were arrested by a team of Imphal West commandos within a week after the grenade attack was carried out.  
Both the convicts were arrested from their respective residences on January 24, 2021 and the  commando team seized eight circuit boards and two remote control units used in assembling IED from their possession.
The investigation of the case was later handed over to National Investigation Agency (NIA)  by an order of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
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