Planned shutdown

06 Jul 2022 23:46:12
The Manager, TSD, IED-II, Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited (MSPDCL) in a press release has informed the general public of Yurembam, Awang Khunou, Konthoujam, Sagoltongba, Khumbong, Kamong, Awang Jiri, Kheithelmanbi, Kheithelmanbi Assam Rifles etc. that the consumer supplied by Western-1 and JNV feeders from Yurembam substation will not get power supply for utility shifting regarding ongoing road expansion at Sagoltongba on July 7 and 8, 2022 (Thursday and Friday) from 09:00am to 04:00pm.
Further it has also been notified to the general public of Yurembam, Patsoi, Langjing Achouba, Takyel, Heinoubok, Moiranghanuba etc. that the consumer supplied by Eastern-1 feeder from Yurembam substation will not get power supply for utility shifting regarding ongoing road expansion at Yurembam Patsoi on July 7, 2022 (Thursday) from 09:00am to 04:00pm.
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