Horrors of Operation Bluebird recalled


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Our Correspondent
SENAPATI, Jul 10: The 35th Remembrance Day of the infamous Operation Bluebird of 1987 was held at Khongdei Khuman village on Sunday.
The commemorative function was organised by the Poumai Naga Union (PNU) under the aegis of the Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR).  
Christened ‘memories re-living’, scenes of how Assam Rifles destroyed houses and Churches, how Indian army tortured and killed many innocent and poor villagers, how Indian army buried Nagas’ alive and were left to die a slow death and how Indian army raped Naga women were enacted at the beginning of the programme and these scenes took everyone to tears.
In his keynote address, D Dailord Pao, president, PNU stated that the day is observed to fight against injustice and renounce violence.
“It was the Poumai community in particular and Nagas in general that experienced the most cruel repression. Although decades have passed, the memories of that bitter experience still remains very fresh in our minds,” he said.
Dailord Pao said, “We gather here not to cherish the enmity against our enemy but enlighten the faith that we are human being as much as others are.”
The PNU president also sought to remind everyone of how one’s rights were violated, how the predecessors, elders and leaders had suffered for the cause of the people. He called upon the gathering to commit oneself and fight against injustice.
NPMHR (South) convenor Joyson Mazamo said that Operation Bluebird of 1987 left a trail of destruction and mayhem unimaginable.
The NPMHR with the support of many like-minded individuals and organizations who believe in the rule of law reportedly filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Guwahati High Court on behalf of Oinam and other affected villages.
The petition, amongst others sought action against the Indian security forces for murder, manslaughter, infliction of grievous injuries, rape and sexual harassment, arson, looting and theft, wanton destructions of public & private properties including school buildings, illegal eviction, raids & seizures, illegal detentions, arrests & forced labour and desecration of religious places, etc.
These incidents were documented and placed before the Court and due process for final hearing has reportedly been initiated, Joyson Mazamo said.
Th Muivah, Ato Kilonser, GPRN/NSCN in his solidarity message gave revolutionary salute to all the victims, families, people of Oinam Hill village and surrounding villages who faced one of the most brutal and cowardly acts ever meted to the Naga people during the infamous “Operation Bluebird” launched by the Indian armed forces.
While expressing his sadness, Th Muivah in his statement lamented that India refused to acknowledge the Naga people screaming blue murder.
The incident stands as a landmark to the unimaginable atrocities that have been rampantly executed against the innocent Nagas, Muivah remarked.
 While calling the 9th July, 1987 as a victory day for the Naga people, the Ato Kilonser stated that the incident demonstrated the resilience of Naga people not to submit to the Indian forces.
The sufferings and toils of the villagers will never go in vain, he asserted.
Neingulo Krome, secretary general, NPMHR in his speech stated the NPMHR had filed a petition in the Supreme Court of India for all the human sufferings in Nagaland and Naga areas. People were taken away, never brought back, death bodies of many have not been found till date.
Rapes, murders, tortures and many similar cases meted out to the Naga people have been recorded. The testimonies of the victims of Operation Bluebird run into 10,000 pages but justice has not been delivered till date, Neingulo Krome said.
Solidarity messages from Naga Hoho, NSF, UNC, NWU, ANSAM, NPO and SDWA were read out during the programme. Apart from different CSO leaders, village chairmen and secretaries, women chairpersons and secretaries and youth leaders attended the programme.