LSL fetes TSL president

Mungchan Zimik
Ukhrul, Apr 23: The Lunghar Shanao Long (LSL), Ukhrul has felicitated Thingreiphy Lungharwoshi on being elected as the new president of Tangkhul Shanao Long (TSL) in the recently held TSL election.
It may be mentioned that TSL is the apex women organization of the Tangkhul community and has played important roles in strengthening and empowering women within the community.
LSL secretary, K Nagani in her welcome address stated that the recently elected TSL president is a native of Lunghar village and a pride of all Lunghar women community.
"She is a vision oriented Tangkhul leader who has strong enthusiasm for empowering women and has been working hard to bring transformation in our society", added K Nagani.
As a mark of support and encouragement, a special mass prayer was also organised for the newly elected TSL president followed by benediction from Rev Somi Kasomwoshi, Pastor UTBC Ukhrul.
Dr Sinalei Khayi, Dearson Chamroy, LW Kanmi, LW Vareso and Ihao Maria also spoke on the occasion.
The felicitation programme held at Kamphasom Community Hall, Ukhrul on Saturday was attended by Tangkhul CSO leaders, village headman, VAs and well wishers.