STDCM holds annual meeting

IMPHAL, Apr 24 : The Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee of Manipur (STDCM) convened its annual meeting for the year 2021-22 at the hall of Thangmeiband Athletics Union  (THAU) inside DMU complex today.
During the meeting which was  presided by STDCM president Dhiraj Yumnam, an annual  report and a statement of account for the committee were passed, said a statement of STDCM.
The meeting also resolved to extend the tenure of its executive committee till March 2023 unanimously. The office bearers of the committee are Dhiraj Yumnam (president); Lt Col Laishram Lokendra (working president); Sinam Manglem, Sapam Bheigya and Keisham Lokeshwar (vice presidents).
Further, the gathering agreed to appoint members to certain posts which are lying vacant due to personal matters.
Later, an open discussion programme was held wherein the gathering resolved to urge the  Government to protect the Meitei/Meetei and work as per the sentiment of the people.