Status and prospects of Mithun farming in NE India

08 Feb 2022 00:31:49
Vivek Joshi, Kamni Paia Biam, JK Chamuah, Vikram R and MH Khan
The North East India is a hotspot of a rare bovine species, Mithun or Gayal (Bos frontalis). It is an important endemic species mainly found in forests of North Eastern hilly States and neighboring countries like Myanmar, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Yunnan (China), Thailand and Malaysia. In India, mithun is considered not just an animal but a matter of pride, status, values and preference. It is exclusively reared by indigenous tribes of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Nizoram and Manipur. Mithun is popularly known as ‘Cattle of Mountain’ and needs a habitat of dense and evergreen hilly forest to thrive. With a narrow geographic range and small population, at present, mithun is considered a species vulnerable to extinction. Mithun plays a central role in socio-economic and cultural life of tribal people. It is the State animal of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. The official emblem of Nagaland Government depicts a majestic mithun standing on a green hilly landscape. In this insignia, mithun is a symbol of health and wealth of Nagas. In Assamese, mithun is called ‘Methon’, it is called ‘Eso’ or ‘Hoho’ or ‘Sebe’ in Arunachal Pradesh, the Mizos call it ‘Sial’, it is called ‘Sandang’ in Manipur and ‘wei’ and ‘seizang’ among Naga tribes of Manipur. Mithun farming is an important activity intrinsically linked to sustainable livelihood in North East India.
Origin of mithun
This is quite complex and ambiguous. It is believed that approximately 6-8 thousand years ago, mithun originated on India-Myanmar frontier areas, however, no information is available on its domestication for the first time. At present, there are three major but conflicting hypotheses on origin of mithun. In first hypothesis, it has been postulated that mithun originated from direct domestication of wild gaur (Bos gaurus). This is the most widely accepted assumption and is well supported by similar appearance of mithun and gaur. The second hypothesis presumes mithun is a hybrid originating from cross-breeding between wild gaur and domestic cattle (B. indicus or B. taurus). The third hypothesis assumes that mithun originated from a wild bovid which is now extinct. However, till today, none of the hypotheses is proven conclusively. A recent study at ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun, Nagaland revealed a common origin of mithun and wild gaur from an ancient and extinct bovine species based on mitochondrial genome sequencing.
Population of mithun in India
According to 20th livestock census (2019), mithun population has shown a growth rate of 26.66% over the preceding census (2012). Currently, total mithun population in the country is 0.38 million. Between 2012 and 2019, male population of mithun grew at a faster rate (30.76%) than female population (23.52%). In India, total male and female mithun population is 0.17 and 0.21 million, respectively. Arunachal Pradesh (0.35million) has the highest mithun population followed by Nagaland (0.023 million), Manipur (0.0009 million) and Mizoram (0.004 million).
Behavioral and morphological characteristics of mithun
Mithun is a majestic ruminant inhabiting hilly forests at an altitude of 1000-3000 m. It is a mammalian species belonging to family Bovidae and order ungulate (hoofed mammal). This large herbivore is capable of browsing efficiently even in steep hilly slopes and does not require pasture land like other bovine species. The farmers rear mithuns in forests under free grazing system where they eat a variety of grasses, tree leaves and young plants. They do not offer other feed and fodder to mithuns, however, occasionally fed salt to mithuns especially when they need to be restrained. Mithun has a great liking for salt feeding. In general, mithuns are reared in forests in community herbs where mithuns of different owners graze together. The forest areas are often fenced and few herdsmen are appointed by village council for supervision of mithuns in the forests during daytime and bringing them back to village at night. Mithun is a selective browser, travels for long distance in forests in search of fodder and consumes up to 30 kg/day.
Mithun is mainly reared for meat purpose. It is often slaughtered for high quality organic meat during marriage ceremonies, religious festivals, elections and community feasts. Therefore, mithun is popularly known as ‘Ceremonial Cattle’. Mithun is regarded as a last resort of money and sold by poor farmers at the time of adversity to fulfill money requirement for children’s education and health emergencies. It is also used for barter trade purpose apart from paying find, ransom and price of bride by groom’s family (bridal gift).
From ancient times, it is believed that mithun is related to indigenous tribal culture and in some folklores, mithun is regarded as descendant of sun. Mithun plays an important role in social, economic and cultural life of tribal population. Mithun ownership is still considered as symbol of prestige and prosperity in North East India.
Mithun is very shy in nature and a medium to large sized ruminant species which in external appearance resembles domestic cattle and buffalo. The visual appearance of mithun is similar to wild gaur (also called Indian bison) except for the body shape and horns. Mithun is smaller in size than gaur while its horns are more or less straight in comparison to curved horns of gaur.
In general, mithun is characterized by a big head, heavy body and strong legs. The forehead is usually broad and concave. Mithun is found in various body colors but black is the most abundant color. The jet black body with ash colored forehead and white stockings in all the legs is a characteristic feature of typical mithun. However, white stockings develop and become visible in mithun calves only after four months of age. The newborn calves are golden yellow and brown in color, however, as the age advances, adults become jet black to dark brown colored. The hump is absent in mithun and also, its tail and legs are smaller in comparison to domestic cattle. The ears are broad and dewlap is large sized in mithun. The average body weight of adult mithun aged 4-5 years is usually 400-500 kg. The maximum life span of mithun in India is recorded to be 15 years. The healthy and sexually mature mithun female periodically undergoes an estrus cycle of 19-24 days until it gets pregnant. During estrus, mithun female comes into heat but it does not exhibit clear signs of heat. Therefore, it is known as ‘silent Heat’ and quite difficult to identify a mithun female in heat based on visual signs. Mithun does not prefer a definite season for breeding and a healthy adult mithun can breed throughout the year. The average age of puberty is 18-24 months and the breeding age of mithun bulls is 3-4 years. The gestation length is 270-290 days and normally, it gives birth to one calf at a time. The newborn mithun calf often weighs 18-25 kg.
Diseases of mithun
Mithun is quite sturdy with an extra-ordinary ability to withstand various pathogens and diseases. Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a common disease of mithun. It is a highly contagious and fatal viral disease. The infected mithun develops signs of fever followed by swelling of limbs, wounds in feet, excessive salivation, ulcers in tongue, gums and lips, limping, abortion and high mortality rate. To date, no treatment is available for FMD, thus, it is advisable to vaccinate newborn calves at 4 months of age and repeat it every 6 months before monsoon season. Other major diseases of mithun include hemorrhagic septicemia (HS), black quarter (BQ), tick & leech infestation, nematodiasis, Johne’s disease(JD), pneumonia, anthrax, coccidiosis, etc.
Economic potential of mithun farming
To date, potential of mithun to produce meat, milk and leather is not fully explored and it remains as an underutilized animal in North East India. It is a need of hour to use mithun more for commercial than cultural purposes. Mithun farming has now become an important source of income. There exists a great scope to promote mithun farming as a valuable source of organic meat and milk. Also, mithun possesses immense potential for use as draught purpose animal in hilly tracts.
Mithun is an efficient converter of forest biomass into superior quality meat. The meat of mithun is softer and better than other available sources of meat. Being low in fat, mithun meat is good for human health. There is a vey high demand and preference of mithun meat among indigenous tribes. It is always advisable to slaughter mithun at the age of 4-5 years in order to get the highest amount of meat. Generally, the dressing percentage in mithun is 58-62%.
At present, consumption of mithun milk is unacceptable among tribal people an regarded as taboo. Mithun can produce 1-1.5 kg/day of milk. Mithun milk is thicker and more nutritious than milk of other domestic animals. It is rich in fat (8-13%), solids-not-fat (18-24%) and protein (5-7%). Based on energy value, 1 kg of mithun milk is equal to 2 kg of cow milk. High lactoferrin, an antimicrobial compound in mithun milk, is associated with its medicinal property. Moreover, with technological intervention, mithun milk can be exploited to produce superior quality dairy products like cheese, curd, ghee, rasgulla, etc. due to its high protein content. Therefore, there is a need and extensive scope to promote mithun as a milch animal in northeast India. The spread of awareness in tribal population regarding milking of mithun and sale & consumption of mithun milk could be useful in poverty alleviation and improvement of economic status. Mithun milk provides nutritional security to poor farmers of northeast India.
The leather processed from skin of mithun is of superior quality due to its toughness and long life. This unique mithun leather has ample scope in tanning industry for production of expensive goods like bags, purses, jackets, shoes, etc. which can fetch a very high commercial value in national and international market.
(To be contd)
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