Seeker versus Achiever

20 Feb 2022 00:56:04
Dr Sumedha Kushwaha
A while back, a friend made me realize a fun fact about life, may be after reading this, you will realize it too. There are two kinds of people in this world- one: who are seekers; and the other: who are achievers. Achiever sounds a lot fancier than a Seeker. But think of this, an achiever will get what he wants and become satisfied. However, a seeker is in constant pursuit of excellence.
If someone wants to be successful, they should ask themselves-for whom am I achieving this ? Is this outward or inner directed ? Outward directed success is often times for us to show the world and to prove to ourselves that ‘we did it’. Versus, people who are inwardly seeking will be doing this out of purpose, passion and bigger mission.  They seek to tread paths that are untrodden, they would want to work sleepless nights because they are perfectionists. A person like that works with utmost dedication even when no one is looking at him, no one is judging his performance and there is no one to clap for his success.
When we achieve, we are satiated with our desires, fear creeps in, and we want to sustain that place or position in life. We start aiming for the peak to plateau. When we are constantly seeking, we know that there are much better things, we work with an open heart, we do not have fear, we can start over again from anywhere.
Failure is not a stumbling block-it’s like climbing a learning ladder. Success and failure are steps on the ladder alike. The leaders in the field always have a seeking spirit, a spirit to learn more because they know that if they are gaining today- good.  If they are not- what are they learning from this experience that will help them tomorrow ?
But it’s not that seekers are better than achievers. There is one difference that achievers are happier. A seeker is happy until he/she gets something.
Achievers are happier with the result; they like to enjoy the fruits of their hard work. On the other hand, seekers are always looking for a problem to solve. Once they reach the peak, they start to find higher mountains which will have their ways through deeper valleys. They never stop by to recognize or appreciate what they got. They want more. There is constant hunger for an unknown destination. They believe in the power journey than destination. And the world calls them snobbish or a jerk because for the world- that’s huge achievement. But for them it was just another stepping stone. They do not need to conquer to win. They need a reason to fight.  So next time you are proud of yourself, be humble, bow down to life and ask yourself- which of the two I am ? And which of you I aspire to become ?
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