Employment generation by cybercrimes

Free Thinker
Cybercriminals are very active throughout the world and many of them are minting money. I don’t know how far it is true that there is a dark-net run by cyber criminals and hackers, and they do all kinds of things. This is a world of unregulated cyber maneuvers, net activities, and digital transactions which are beyond legalities - indeed a lawless world where only fake identities work and flourish.
There is a need for providing cyber security not only in Manipur but also in the entire world. Cyber security is basically about protecting our networks, programs, computer data, digital systems, or platforms from attacks and unauthorized access. In fact, the entire world is under constant threat of cybercrimes. There are instances where Banks are targeted, individual accounts are looted. Sometimes the entire Government system is hacked and I am told that cyber criminals negotiate with the government and get ransom through threats and intimidation (by demonstration).
Cybercrime Branch, Manipur has done a commendable job by spreading awareness among the net users and mobile phone users to safeguard themselves from cyber criminals; prevention is better than cure – remaining alert and vigilant is the key message with some does and don’ts. Cybercrimes range from blackmailing to bank frauds, spreading false news, hacking accounts, phishing, etc. Such awareness will certainly help in checking cyber crimes at least for common people in the State.
The cybercriminals can switch off the power supply of Mumbai city just for hours and they may start negotiating with the competent authority for a huge ransom. Again, we were told hackers made a particular Bank in Andhra Pradesh pay for restoring their system after making it defunct for 2 consecutive days.
Forget about educational qualifications or degrees, the present dispensation believes in those who can deliver. Even if you are a Matric fail, still if you can clean the virus in a computer system, your service will be hired. There is one young chap in my locality, he studied up to class Twelve but now he is a rich man; he repairs JCBs; without learning anything theoretically, he is now a JCB expert. Initially, he used the trial and error method. Later on, he became a JCB mechanic. He is so busy, most of his clients are prominent  ‘gold miners’ of the State. I am happy he is extorting them.
Let our boys and girls learn how to become cyber experts and cyber warriors. For this they require training and exposure to sophisticated computers, mobiles, superfast net, etc. . I earnestly urge the Government to acquire such facilities for them so that they are trained in a much better way. Honestly, our children will do better than the children in other parts of the country. Our children are smarter and more intelligent than their counterparts. Sorry, I am a little biased.
My fear is - we are good at doing bad things. Once our children have become cyber experts or wizards they may tend to enter the dark net; they may become cybercriminals. They may like to loot banks, hack rich men’s accounts, withdraw money from the Government treasury, and blackmail powerful and affluent people. That is the apprehension. But, I am an optimist.
Cyber criminals or hackers are so advanced that they can even hack the system of the Pentagon; they can break the Chinese cyber walls and Russian net protection system. Then we are still talking about cyber security. We still hope there are good people who believe in good things and want to maintain harmony in the world.
Again one very famous gentleman in some Aayog once made an announcement that our bank accounts linked with Aadhaar are really solid and difficult to hack. The next day 1 rupee was withdrawn from his account by a hacker. Bank officials and staff could not explain how it was done without a trace. That means we are still vulnerable. Cyber security must be one of our priorities.
In order to defend our Banks, Financial Institutions, Government Establishments, Business Houses, Companies, Power & Water supply, Communication systems, Satellites, etc. we need cyber experts or warriors who are really good in cyber warfare. In the next few years, the job opportunities for cyber experts and engineers will grow like anything.
The Cyber Security Resilience 2021, Report,  says there has been a manifold increase in cybercrime all over the world.  By 2025 cybercrime will cost the world more than 10 trillion dollars, and the cyber security market will rise to approx. 500 billion dollars. So cyber security will open up humongous opportunities for employment and business.
Neither a degree nor a diploma is required to become a cyber-expert, just train yourself and acquire the expertise, and your employability is assured. You will be hired anytime, anywhere if you prove to be a cyber-maestro. You may be engaged as a cyber security provider, cyber warrior or cyber-defender, or cyber architect or analyst.  A cyber-wizard can fix his own salary.
If you can hack or un-hack EVMs  – you will be a ‘karorpati’ instant. No joke.