37 non locals detained
IMPHAL, Nov 28
The Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System continued its drive to identify non locals who don't posses ILP or any valid passes to stay in Manipur at Wahengbam Leikai in collaboration with Socio-Cultural Union, Wahengbam Leikai.
During the drive, about 100 non-locals were verified. Of the 100, 37 were found not having any valid passes to stay in Manipur while the remaining 63 were found only having 'token' for ILP application.
Wareppam Second, co-convenor JCILPS said the sudden increase in the number of non-locals with a token for ILP application during the last couple of days shows the work pending at the concerned department.
He then informed all the landlords to submit ILP and other relevant identity documents for all the people living on rent at their places on or before December 5.
Yesterday, the JCILPS detained 48 non locals from Uripok for staying in Manipur without ILP or any valid passes.