Jupiter Yambem remembered

IMPHAL, Sep 12
A memorial service to mark the 19th death anniversary of Jupiter Yambem, who had perished in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001,  was held yesterday at Realize Retreat Centre at Mongjam Chingjin.
Senior journalist, Laba Yambem, who is the elder brother of Jupiter presided the programme while former Editor of the Imphal Free Press recounted his memories with Jupiter.
N Ratan alias Kapu from Heingang Kendra also spoke about his association with Jupiter's son Santi alias Chinglailakpa, who had returned home last year and gave a performance at Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy.
Yambem Laba said that late Jupiter was a Senior Banquet  Manager at the World is Yours Restaurant located on the 107th floor of the World Trade Centre when the tragedy struck.
Jupiter will be remembered for founding the North America Manipur Association (NAMA) in 1994.