Student bodies convey best wishes

By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 16: Greet-ings and wishes have poured in for students appearing in the Class XII and Class X examinations this February.
COHSEM's Class XII examinations are starting tomorrow (February 17), and BOSEM's Class X examination will begin from February 19.
In separate statements, several organisations including the Manipuri Students' Federation (MSF), Democratic Students' Alliance of Manipur (DESAM), Federal Students' Organisation, Kangleipak (FESOK) and All Naga Students' Association, Manipur (ANSAM) have extended their best wishes to the students and encouraged them to give their best in the examinations.
The Manipuri Students' Federation (MSF) said the examinations are crucial for the students' future careers, and as such, they must do their best to excel and come out with flying colours.
"Exams are stepping stones to unparalleled success. March ahead with confidence and victory will be yours," it said.
The Democratic Students' Alliance of Manipur (DESAM) said students must appear in the examinations sincerely and avoid using all forms of unfair means and malpractices.
Both the teachers and students must never indulge in malpractices. Encouraging students to use unfair means in the examinations is the same as giving them "slow poison" which would make them weak and destroy their future later in life, said DESAM.
The Federal Students' organisation, Kangleipak (FESOK) urged all sections of the society and organisations to avoid imposing bandhs or calling general strikes during the period of the examinations.
It urged examination bodies and authorities to take up all appropriate mea-sures to avoid question paper leakage and other incidents that would hinder fair conduct of the examinations.
FESOK extended their best wishes to the students and urged them to avoid using unfair means.
It called on all for clean and peaceful conduct of the examinations.
Meanwhile, the All Naga Students' Association, Mani-pur (ANSAM) has convey- ed its best wishes to all the students who will appear in the ensuing HSLC and HSE Exams, 2025.
ANSAM stated that these examinations are very important in shaping and moulding the career of students. It appealed to all the Churches to pray for the students.
ANSAM requested all relevant authorities and stakeholders concerned to maintain a safe and conducive atmosphere in all examination centers and let the students from all communities take their exams without undue stress or fear.
ANSAM also urged all its constituent and subordinate units to oversee strict enforcement of examination policies in their respective jurisdictions.  
Others including former MLA T Robindro and several organisations--All Naga Students' Association Manipur (ANSAM), Kangleipak Students' Association, All Manipur Recognised Private Schools' Welfare Association and All Manipur Students Guardians' Organisation (AMGSO) too sent their wishes to the students for the examinations.