Dr Manmohan Singh will live on

Kajal Chatterjee
Contd from previous issue
Far from unleashing State force to rein and nab them, the "dumb" "dialogue-less" statesman exemplified his supreme sense of liberalism and tolerance by drawing inspiration from Voltaire ("I may not agree to what you say, but I will die fighting for your right to say it") and allowing them to exercise their right to express grievances frustration and independent opinion! As if that was not gracious enough, he had even insisted the then JNU Vice-Chancellor to be lenient with the student activists who had booed the former!
One and only supreme confident souls can act so liberal unlike the damn cowards who send police to the homes of the "dissenters" so that they do not spoil the scripted party by airing their protests at the venue !
Manmohan Singh, the supremely dignified person of impeccable secularism, deserves a warm salute. May more and more such "MAUN" leaders take the charge of this nation for the sake of the Constitution, secularism, democratic ethos, humanity, humility, civility, simplicity and that remains the earnest prayer of all true sensible Indians. Dr. Singh will not be forgotten in a hurry.