Dr Manmohan Singh will live on

Kajal Chatterjee
Contd from last Saturday
With each passing day, India is regularly featuring in the world news thanks to demonisation of particular religious communities by outfits believing in majoritarianism, attacks upon Christians and Churches, atrocities upon Dalits, fatal assaults in the name of "Gomata", violent infringement upon diet and attire associated with minorities, murder of secular rationalists, filthy communal politics by invoking the myth of "Love jihad"! Anybody daring to question various steps and policies undertaken by the forces of dominance in this democratic country with the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech, thought and expression are promptly dubbed "anti-national", "Sickular" "Urban Naxal" and being taken to task !
 Was India an epitome of all things fine and fair in the Manmohan Singh era ! Certainly not. Communalism, casteism, racism, riots, "honour killings" and all other sins were obviously prevalent then.(To be contd)