SoO pact with Kuki-Zo militants towards disintegration of Manipur

Oinam Nabakishore Singh, IAS (Retd)
In his interview with Ms Pipy Chongloi, private you-tuber and Ms Karishma of The Print, youtube news channel, Dr Sailien Haokip, spokesperson of the Kuki National Organization (KNO), one of the signatories of Suspension of Operation (SOO) with the Government of India and Government of Manipur, made it abundantly clear that SoO agreement paves the way forward for a political dialogue and finally achieving political goal of forming Kukiland. Before arriving at the implications of the signing of SoO agreement, it is helpful to look back at the migration of Kuki-Zo community to Manipur in the past. British officers who were posted in Bengal and Assam in the 19th century narrates about migration of Kuki community to Manipur when they were driven out by more powerful Chiefs from the south-Chin State, Lushai Hills (present Mizoram), etc. The flow of Kuki-Zo people from the neighboring Chin State in Myanmar continues till now unabated as the border is not guarded and free movement is allowed. Privileges extended to the Kuki Zo community like reservation in jobs and educational institutions, free rice, and other social security by Government, and better opportunity vis-a vis Myanmar worked as pull factor for migration of Kukis to Manipur. Large tracts of vacant land in the hills, and welcoming attitude of the kindred tribes of Kukis already living in Manipur provide an attractive eco-system to permanently live in Manipur. The abnormal increase of population of Kuki-Zo community in Manipur in the last century establishes the migration from Myanmar, which otherwise cannot be accounted for by biological growth.
While Kukis who have been living in Manipur for longer period would have internalized a little bit of nationalism of Manipur, new arrivals will always be trying to assert their own identity distinct from Manipuri. As the administrative machinery of the State has been weak, and further weakened by the insurgency from all the communities, Kuki-Zo community would always be putting in efforts to unite themselves for creation of a separate political identity. T Gougin formed Zomi National Congress (ZNC) at Churachandpur in 1972 with the object of unification of Zomi in India and Myanmar. He led a delegation of about 20 people and submitted a memorandum to this author in early 1986, when the latter was SDO at Parbung. The movement for Zo unification was a concerted effort across Myanmar and India. Zomi National Congress was a registered political party and it was active in Kalay, Tonjang and Tedim towns of Chin State in Myanmar. It got its candidates elected in Myanmar.
While unemployment and poverty create fertile ground for youths to take to arms to resort to extortion, the cost of such activities is not insignificant. To lend credibility to their acts of terror and extortion, militant organizations invariably use the name of the tribe, which convey a message of trans-tribal movement. In order to control the resources in terms of money, arms and respectability, several groups emerged under the leadership of anybody who is willing to claim to be representative of the tribe. So, in late 1980s, several Kuki-Zo militant organizations sprang up in Kuki inhabited districts-Kangpopkpi, Tengnoupal, Chandel and Churachandpur and acquired arms from across the border. Kuki National Army, armed wing of Kuki National Organization was set up in 1988 with the objective of forming a Kukiland comprising of Kuki inhabited areas of Myanmar and India. Later on, Kuki National Army (Burma) operated only in Myanmar in collaboration with Peoples Defence Force of Myanmar against the junta Government in Myanmar.
Indian armed forces have over the years suffered a lot of causalities at the hands of armed insurgent groups in the North East India. Government of India found it more prudent and practical to enter into truce with armed groups and engage in talks on the grievances of the latter. Such truce brings peace now, the underlying problem is hidden under the carpet, which will throw up subsequently. Shillong Accord was signed in 1975 between the Government of India and Naga National Council to end the Naga insurgency, and acceptance of Constitution of India by the Nagas. However, the agreement was short-lived as Isak and Th Muivah termed it as unacceptable and complete surrender to the Government of India. The revolt and infighting led to formation of Naga Nationalist Socialist Council (NSCN-IM), which engaged with the armed forces. After several rounds of talks abroad, Government of India persuaded NSCN (IM) to declare truce in 1997 and engage in political dialogues, which has dragged on till date without any conclusion.
Considering the cost of confronting armed insurgent groups and buy peace, initially Assam Rifles entered into truce with Kuki National Organization and United Peoples Front, each comprising an assortment of sister armed entities in 2005. The truce was termed Suspension of Operation. Later on, the same was made more legitimate in 2008 by making a tripartite agreement involving Government of India and Manipur Government as signatories. Main terms of the SoO agreement was abstinence from armed conflict between armed groups of Kuki-Zo community and armed forces, while the arms and ammunition are to be kept under lock and key at designated camps. This arrangement suits both Kuki-Zo armed groups and armed forces of the Government of India, especially, Assam Rifles, which is entrusted with counter-insurgency tasks in Manipur. Payment of lump-sum amount of about Rs 5 lakh and monthly stipend of about Rs 5000 to each cadre was considered decent. However, even though SoO agreement is silent on formation of Kukiland, the representatives of the Kuki armed groups tried to raise the same at the tripartite meeting with Government of India and Manipur Government. Now, Dr Sailien Haokip, spokesperson of KNO has clarified that the objective of signing SoO is to facilitate dialogue on the demand for Kukiland. The intriguing question is whether Government of India ever agreed to discuss the political issue of formation of Kukiland in Manipur. One leader of a Kuki organization in his affidavit before the Court stated that the BJP leadership agreed to find solution to the political demand of Kuki armed groups while seeking the support of Kuki armed groups at the general elections in 2019 and 2022.
Another relevant question to be asked to the Government of Manipur is why should it be a party to an agreement which has the hidden agenda of forming Kukiland out of the small territory of Manipur. It appears that the then Manipur Government was hoodwinked into becoming a party to SoO, which paves the way for fragmentation of Manipur. After the event on the 3rd May, 2023, the Kuki-Zo armed groups have found an excuse to demand for Separate Administration on the assertion by that Meiteis and Kukis cannot live together. In this game and scheme, both Government of India and Kuki-Zo militants have cleverly become winners, while the integrity of the State is now at stake. If the Government of India underestimates the patriotism of the people of Manipur to safeguard its integrity, it is in to see a wider conflict in future. While one tries to solve one problem, hundreds of new problems will emerge. Both Central and State Governments should gauge the sentiments of the people-Nagas, Kukis, Meiteis, Meitei Pangals- before embarking on any negotiation with armed Kuki militants. Historical facts like merger of Manipur with Union of India, territory of Manipur before merger, and need for space for everybody should be considered while talks are held.