Paradox of arming and disarming citizens

The above editorial on June 25, 2024 could not have come at a more appropriate time. It has been in the mind of every intelligent person and they are wondering why the commanders of the security forces are putting the cart before the horse.
Those of us who had seen the video coverage of the supposedly peaceful Solidarity March on the 3rd May last year, were perturbed at  the sight of the armed personnel who were warmly welcomed by the protesters. Not surprisingly the news of arson and killing in Churachandpur and other kuki dominated areas filtered to Imphal in late evening causing alarm. The rest is history now. Only unfortunate part is that there are still people in high office who can’t believe a minority community attacking a majority community because elsewhere it is always the minority who suffer at the hands of  the majority.
The Kukis who profess to be ardent Christians are not honest tribals like others. They effectively spread a false narrative. Surprisingly the National press lapped it up. So also the mandarins in North Block. Disarming of village volunteers who took up arms as you have rightly said for their defence as the State failed to protect them, has started  in the valley and  the invaders are being given free run in the periphery areas. This is notwithstanding the incidence of murder,  gun fire, and torching of 100 houses and making more than 1000 people homeless in Jiribam district  bordering Assam. The mighty security forces instead of fighting off the invaders were busy evacuating the residents leaving their homes unprotected. Consequently the warmongers had a heyday torching the houses at leisure just in the manner that was seen in Churachandpur and Moreh. Many a time I ask myself how the conscience of the local commanders and the jawans allow them to do such unjust jobs.. In such a sensitive situation Central forces should be not only fair in dispensing justice, they have also to be seen to be fair. I hope the responsible persons of the forces read the article and give deep thought and act.
The paper also has an interesting article AMIT SHAH'S MISSION; RESTORATION OF PEACE IN MANIPUR by S Rodrigues,  on the same page. It gives an insight information on the deliberations and decisions taken in the security meeting on Manipur chaired by the HM, held recently. It appears that even after observing the situation for more than one year, the Central leaders are still unwilling to accept the Kukis as prime accused in the violence. One prominent decision is 100%  recovery of looted arms.
You have lucidly highlighted the paradox in the conduct of the process. This has drawn out the protesters to the streets as unfair when no such operations are being conducted in the Kuki villages. As pointed out in your editorial it will be interesting to see how the top brass of the security forces explain unlimited guns and bullets in the hands of the Kukis. We believe they will be successful if only they painstakingly do their given job.. The valley people are only demanding restoration of peace and integrity of Manipur for which they are sacrificing lives of their young children. They had never attacked any village of the warring party unless attacked. On the other hand, the opposite party is demanding a  Territorial council with legislative power for the present. It will not be long before they start another round  of violence because they have learnt by now that power comes from the muzzle of the gun.
Whether the Centre and rest of India believe it or not their ultimate aim is an Independent Christian country for the Chin-Zo people of the region (a fact which  even a foreign  dignitary had endorsed) which they don’t have at present. Interestingly they choose MANIPUR as their springboard as they find the Meiteis are good hearted and not very scrupulous. A few hundreds of Khongshais (original tribe) were given permission  to settle by the then King of Manipur in the 17th century AD for their services. Now the trouble-making leaders are all Myanmaris who have surreptitiously entered Manipur.. What frustrated the people most is the unwillingness of the Central leaders to read the writing on the wall. May god save Manipur.
Yours fatihfully,
AD Singh,
Ahanthem Leikai, Imphal