This Diwali think of the environment

Vijay Garg 
The toxic elements become heavy and fall to the ground, the air becomes light and we are able to breathe easily. Along with earthen lamps, you can also use lamps made from cow dung, which after burning can also be used as fertilizer for trees. use natural things It is a bit difficult to imagine Diwali without decorations. But, to celebrate eco-friendly Diwali, this time try to fill maximum colors of nature in your decoration. Try it.
Instead of plastic artificial flowers and garlands, decorate the door of your house with strings of fresh flowers and garlands of flowers and leaves. You can use roses for home decoration. This will calm the mind and also remove stress. Jasmine spreads positive energy. The fragrance of this flower makes the entire atmosphere stress free.
Try to keep rangoli free from chemical colours. For this, rangoli can be made from flowers to grains. add fragrance Sugandh on the occasion of Diwali. It will affect our home as well as our personality. Psychiatrists explain that fragrance affects the part of our brain which is responsible for memory and mood. (To be contd)